** Soviet Fashion Magazines: Boys' Clothing: 1970

Soviet Fashion Magazines: Boys' Clothing: 1970

Figure 1.--A Russian reader sent us this Soviet catalog or fashion magazine page. We do not know the source, but he thinks it is from 1970. Note there are no prices. Some patterns are availanle. Each item the name of the designer/artist who created the garments. The black dot before number 57 means that in the appendix to this catalog there is printed pattern available. We notice this page which covered what look rather like leisure jackets. There were two jacket styles with matching pants. There were short pants for the younger boy and long pants for the older boy.

A HBC reader has provided some pages from Russian fashion magazines and what look like catalogs, although the Soviets did not have catalogs where you could buy clothes. Notice that there is no price information. The Soviet consumer may have been able to buy patterns, but we are not even sure about that. We notice one page which overed what look rather like leisure jackets. There were two jacket styles with matching pants. There were short pants for the younger boy and long pants for the older boy.


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Created: 5:59 PM 5/4/2010
Last updated: 11:38 PM 5/10/2010