Serbian Children's Literature

Figure 1.-- A popular Serbian children's book, 'A Book to Marko' was written by Velmar Jankovic Svetlama in 1998. It was illustrated by Stankovski Vladimir. It is a collection of 7 stories about Serbian medieval monarchs and their childhood. We are not sure about the acuracy of the history involved.

We do not have much information on Serbian children's literature at this time, but have begun to collect some information. A reader in Serbia has sent some information about Serban authors and books. History is very important to Serbs. A popular Serbian children's book, A Book to Marko was written by Velmar Jankovic Svetlama in 1998. It was illustrated by Stankovski Vladimir. It is a collection of 7 stories about Serbian medieval monarchs and their childhood. We are not sure about the acuracy of the history involved. We also notice books about pets and other animals which are of course popular with children. A good example is a Kindergarten book, Nobody's Dog. It was written by Patricia Anjelcovish in 2001. It tells the story of a small child who finds a stray dog and becomes its friend so that ' Nobody's Dog' becomes ' Somebody's Dog. The illustrated page says. 'Some dogs are young like me.' the following page says,' Some dogs are old like my granny.'



History is very important to Serbs. A popular Serbian children's book, A Book to Marko was written by Velmar Jankovic Svetlama in 1998. It was illustrated by Stankovski Vladimir. It is a collection of 7 stories about Serbian medieval monarchs and their childhood. We are not sure about the acuracy of the history involved. We also notice books about pets and other animals which are of course popular with children. A good example is a Kindergarten book, Nobody's Dog. It was written by Patricia Anjelcovish in 2001. It tells the story of a small child who finds a stray dog and becomes its friend so that ' Nobody's Dog' becomes ' Somebody's Dog. The illustrated page says. 'Some dogs are young like me.' the following page says,' Some dogs are old like my granny.'

(A) Book to Marko

History is very important to Serbs. A popular Serbian children's book, A Book to Marko was written by Velmar Jankovic Svetlama in 1998 (figure 1). It was illustrated by Stankovski Vladimir. It is a collection of 7 stories about Serbian medieval monarchs and their childhood. We are not sure about the acuracy of the history involved. We suspect a good deal of legend is involved.

Eagles Start Flying Early

A Serbian reader tells us about a series of books for children. "They were written after World War II. One is a story that seems to be about school life. Another is about rural Serbia. It is a tale about a shepherd , a dog and four children. Three boys and a girl. The book is titled Eagles Start Flying Early' The author is Branko Chopich (1915-84). The edition I have is illustrated by Dusan Pavlich and published in 1959. It is about a group of children who help the Partisans fight the Nazis. It is a story told in two parts. The first part seems to be about living in a rural environment. The second part is about helping the Partisans."

(The) Exploits of the Five Cockerels

A children's book was published in Serbia with a difference (1933). It was an illustrated fantasy story which used phpotographs taken by children to illustrate the story. The title was 'The Exploits of the Five Cockerals'. The authors were Aleksandar Vuco and Dusan Matic. The two artists did not use traditionally drawings for the books Illustrations. They used photographs instead. This was the first time photo-montage had been used in the graphic design of a children’s book. The photography replaced the traditional fantastic drawings which illustrated fantasy stories in children's books at that time. Vuco wrote the poem, 'The Exploits of the Five Cockerels' and Dusan used photographs for the visual imagry to support the text. Dusan called this art form “glue pictures.“ He combined Photographs, newspaper and book clippings to make the illustrated pages. The photographs were taken by Vuco’s two sons: Djordje and Jovan. The children and adults worked out the plot for the photographs and then included clippings from other published sources. The photographs the children took later appeared on the pages of the story book.

Hero-Tales & Legends of the Serbians

Serbian writer Woislav M. Petrovitch wrore a series of patriotic stories based on Serbian folklore entitled Hero-Tales & Legends of the Serbians.

Nobody's Dog

We also notice books about pets and other animals which are of course popular with children. A good example is a Kindergarten book, Nobody's Dog. It was written by Patricia Anjelcovish in 2001. It tells the story of a small child who finds a stray dog and becomes its friend so that ' Nobody's Dog' becomes ' Somebody's Dog. The illustrated page says. 'Some dogs are young like me.' the following page says,' Some dogs are old like my granny.'


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Created: 8:09 PM 5/28/2008
Last updated: 3:03 PM 2/4/2017