Serbian Children's Book: Eagles Start Flying Early

Figure 1.--'Eagles Start Flying Early' was written by Branko Chopich (1915-84). The illustrator here is Dusan Pavlich. It is about a group of children who help the Partisans fight the Nazis. It is a story told in two parts. The first part seems to be about living in a rural environment. The second part is about helping the Partisans."

A Serbian reader tells us about a series of books for children. "They were written after World War II. One is a story that seems to be about school life. Another is about rural Serbia. It is a tale about a shepherd , a dog and four children. Three boys and a girl. The book is titled Eagles Start Flying Early. The author is Branko Chopich (1915-84). The edition I have is illustrated by Dusan Pavlich and published in 1959. It is about a group of children who help the Partisans fight the Nazis. It is a story told in two parts. The first part seems to be about living in a rural environment. The second part is about helping the Partisans."


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Created: 11:12 PM 12/20/2010
Last updated: 11:13 PM 12/20/2010