English Preparatory Schools: St. Hugh's Preparatory School (Woodhouse Spa)

Figure 1.--A reader who attended St. Hugh's tells us, "Here is a photograph of the school play, I think from 1969. Unfortunately I don't recall the name of the play." As was traditional at English boys's schools, the boys played both the male and female parts. Our reader adds, "I have found an old year book and the play was called 'Farmer Tumbledowns pig'. The year was 1969-70."

St. Hugh's School at Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire was founded by the Forbes family (1925). It was a boys' boarding preparatory school. Many preparatory schools were founded in the late-19th and early 20th century as small family undertakings. St. Hugh's seems a fairrly standard preparatory school. The school became a Charitable Trust (1962). Many similar schools became charitanle trusts as this time. A HBC reader has provided some information on his time at the school in the late-1960s. He has provided the school list with the items to be brought to school in his trunk. Here is a school play (figure 1). The school is associated with the Church of England although children of all denominations attend the school. The school now has some excellent facilities, both teaching, sports, and recreational facilities. There are mopdern classroomsand an extensive library. A modern library is a weakness at many British prep schools. Most prep schools have expanded the music program in recent years and St. hugh's now has a Music School with auditorium and practice rooms. There is also a large Hall with stage and lighting for plays and other drama productions. A new addition is an Information Communication Technology suite with modern computers. There are also workshops for Art, Pottery and Craft Design & Technology. The children also enjoy a range of recreatiinal facilities, including a heated indoor swimming pool, a superb multi purpose sports hall, a rifle range and extensive pitches for the wide range of games played at the school.


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Created: 5:48 PM 9/13/2010
Last updated: 11:45 PM 9/17/2010