English School Uniform: The Blazer--Color Shades

Figure 1.--This prep school boy was photographed in the 1920s wearing his school blazer and matching cap. Like almost all of the imags at the time, the black and white image of the time offers few clues as to the actual color. Click on the image for a fuller dscussion..

English school blazers came in a wide range of different colors and trim. These coloful blazers were mostly worn at private schools, especially preparatory schools. They were also worn at public (private secondary) and grammar schools. They became very common in the 20th century. The many different colors include bright colors, although colors like black, dark blue/navy, and grey were also worn. These colorful blazers were often worn with caps in the same color. We are not entirely why colorful blazers became so ppular. We suspect it in part derives from the fact that blazers were first used at schools as a games (sports) outfit. nother factor is that they were first worn at private schools. And these schools may have wanted their students to stand out as a kind of walking advertisements for the school. Unfortunately early 20th century blazers were photogrphed in black and white so it is usually impossible to tell the colors. We have noted blazers done in various shades of blue, brown, green, grey, maroon, pink, purple, red, and yellow, as well as black and white. Black became very common in the 1970s and was adopted as te standard blazer at many comprehensive schools. Not only were blazers done in many different shades, but were differentiated by contrasting trim as well as the school crest or badge worn on the vlazer breast pocket.


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Created: 2:18 AM 8/28/2007
Last updated: 2:18 AM 8/28/2007