English Prep School Uniform: Blazer Color

Figure 1.--This prep school boy was photographed in the 1920s wearing his school blazer and matching cap. Like almost all of the imags at the time, the black and white image of the time offers few clues as to the actual color. Put your image on the cursr for a colorized version. Let us know if you have any nsights as to hat the color might be.

This prep school boy was photographed in the 1920s wearing his school blazer and matching cap. Like almost all of the imags at the time, the black and white image of the time offers few clues as to the actual color. We are not entirely sure about the 1920s, but by the 1950s and we suspect earlier, blazers at English schools were worn with black short trousers and grey kneesocks. Our reader has suggested color outfits with the blazer matching te trousers, but we believe this is unlikely. The exceptions here would be brown and grey. We have seen unifors with brown blazersand brown shorts as well as grey blazers and grey shorts. But these are the only uniforms we have seen with matching colors. The brown uniform was worn with faun knee socks. Older boys might wear grey or blacl long trousers. Looking at the boy here it seems to us that the boy is wearing grey shorts and knee socks. The blazer is much more difficult to asess. The shade seems similar. And it is possible that he could be wearing a grey blazer. But it looks to us that the shade is slightly different. We don't think it was brown because brwn blazers were unlikely to be wrn with grey pants. Blue blazers were common, but the shade doesnot look dark enough for a blue blazer, especially a navy blue blazer. Not does in look dark enough for a oirrest green or maroon. We would guess the blazer was red or green, probably with yellow trim.


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Created: 2:18 AM 8/28/2007
Last updated: 2:18 AM 8/28/2007