Boxer Shorts: Countries

Figure 1.--Here we see two American brothers wearing striped "T"-shirts and boxer shorts during the summer. You can clearly see the elasticized waisline on the boy to the left. The photograph is undated, but we would guess was taken in the in the 1950s. Note the leather shoes even for play. The two boys here are making tin-can telephones. I remember doing that myself as a boy. No cellphones in those simpler days.

We have limited country information on boxer shorts. Most of the boys we have noted wearing boxer shorts are American. Boxer shorts were worn in America, but usage was somewhat regional. In some areas, especially the South, boys did wear shorts. We notice boys wearing these boxer shorts from about the late 1940s through the early 60s. They were mostly worn by younger American boys. The popular style for boys up to about 12 was boxer shorts. They were a summer play style in America, often worn with stripped T-shirts. Notice how the American boys here have tucked their shirts into their shorts. This was very common at the time.


Most of the boys we have noted wearing boxer shorts are American. We know they were worn in America, but usage was somewhat regional. In some areas, especially the South, boys did wear shorts. We notice boys wearing these boxer shorts from about the late 1940s through the early 60s. They were mostly worn by younger American boys. The popular style for boys up to about 12 was boxer shorts. They were a summer play style in America, often worn with stripped T-shirts. We have rarely noticed this style in other countries. Notice how the American boys here have tucked their shirts into their shorts. This was very common at the time. A HBC reader writes, "This photo brings back memories. This is the type of shorts that I remember wearing when I was about 5 or 6 years old (late-1950s). Younger boys wore boxers for play or everyday wear for years after this photo was taken. I remember wearing shoes and socks like these boys, too. The boxer shorts that I remember were brown. Boxers were a good choice for small boys. There were no cumbersome, restrictive belts, and they were very light weight for active warm weather play. Although this looks a little dressed up, I'd wear them for play, just as these boys. I think you're right, that this photo dates from the 1950's. By the early 1960's small boys would wear sneakers or running shoes and crew socks with their boxer shorts. You wouldn't see boys much older than six wearing boxers for play. Blue jeans (longs), walk shorts or camp shorts would be more likely for boys 6 - 12. By the 1970's it seemed that this style of shorts was not so common. Boys and even young men were wearing what I call gym shorts, the kind I associate with physical education classes in school. These shorts have an elasticized waist band and are generally rather short. In the early 1970's boys generally wore tube socks, long white athletic socks that reach almost to the knee. These socks usually had colored bands at the top. There were shorts from the mid- and late-1980's called jams that also had elasticized waist bands and draw strings. These shorts seem like a descendant of boxer shorts. And shorts by the brand name, Joe Boxer, are popular with boys and young men today. Through the years it seems as though this casual style has grown in popularity. Also, older boys and young men are as likely as small boys to wear this style. HBC has discussed that shorts became more widely accepted in the United States when they were more marketed as casual, rather than dress clothes.


We notice Canadian boys wearing boxer shorts in the 1950s. They seem basically indistiunguishable from American styles. A good example is an unidentified Ontario boy on a family car outing in 1955.


The boy in an earlier photograph wearing boxer shorts looks American. The sandals, however, lead us to believe that he may be English. One reader speculates that he is French. T


The photograph of the two American boys is a wonderful image of childhood play. The boxer shorts are a practical play outfit. In France boxers were in fashion for boys during the 1970s. They could be worn even to go in the school with or without a very short smock. One calls them simply " short ". The real boxers ( with a underpant inside ) were only for men and were called here " boxer short ". (The term boxers was also used for underwear in America. This was underwear cut like boxers shorts.) At the same time they was a similar vogue for boy - a bit like boxers. It was the Gersey shorts, very short also. Before 1970 the boxers were unknow for boy , but were worn by men in the 1960s.


We see Italian boys wearing boxer shorts. We think boxers were commonly worn in Italy, buit oyr archive is not large enough to state that categorically. One example is the Malagguit brothers in 1967. The boys are wearing a summer camp uniform consisting iof a striped T-shirt and boxer shorts.

Other Countries

We have rarely noticed this style in other countries.


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Created: 8:31 PM 2/12/2005
Last updated: 3:04 AM 5/2/2017