Long Stockings: Chronology--Inter-War and War Years (1920-45)Years

Figure 1.--This photograph, apparently taken in 1939, shows that long stockings were still being worn in America--especially by younger boys. HBC would have guess the photograph was taken earlier. Notice the one boy's sailor suit.

The popularity of long stockings in Europe varied from country to country. They were commonly worn in Germany, but less so in France. American boys still commonly wore long stockings in the early 1920s. Black was still the most common color, but brown was also worn. White stockings were available, but not commonly worn by boys. Long srtockings were rapidly declining in popularity after the mid-1920s as both boys and girls turned more to knee socks. This was especially true in America. American boys in the early 1920s were still wearing knickers with long stockings. Montgomery Wards refused to them as school hose, perhaps because they were worn by boys going back to school as the weather got cooler. It was becoming less common to see boys wearing long stockings during the warm summer months. By the mid-1920s, however, kneesocks had to a large extent repaced long stockings. While long stockings did not dissapear they came to be worn by a minority of boys. Many younger boys wore then with short pants, often with tan stockings. They were mostly worn for warmth. Some boys, however, wore them for formal occasions, usualy white or black stockings, because they thought the stockings had a smart look. A good idea of trends in Germany during the 1930s can be seen in available school photographs. A good example is the Hermsdorf school in 1934.

The 1920s

American boys still commonly wore long stockings in the early 1920s. Black was still the most common color, but brown was also worn. White stockings were available, but not commonly worn by boys. Long srtockings were rapidly declining in popularity after the mid-1920s as both boys and girls turned more to knee socks. This was especially true in America. American boys in the early 1920s were still wearing knickers with long stockings. Montgomery Wards refused to them as school hose, perhaps because they were worn by boys going back to school as the weather got cooler. It was becoming less common to see boys wearing long stockings during the warm summer months. By the mid-1920s, however, kneesocks had to a large extent repaced long stockings. While long stockings did not dissapear they came to be worn by a minority of boys. Many younger boys wore then with short pants, often with tan stockings. They were mostly worn for warmth. Some boys, however, wore them for formal occasions, usualy white or black stockings, because they thought the stockings had a smart look. A good example of boys wearing long stockings for a dress occassion can be seen in a portrait of German children in their First Communion outfits. The boy wears black long stockings and the girl white long stockings.

The 1930s

Long stockings were declining in popularity, but were still fairly common in ome countries. Fewer American boys were erearing long stockings, but we see some younger oys wearing thm. They were more common in Canada. We no longer see English boys wearing long stockings, but girls did wer them. Some private girl's schools even rquited them. On the Cintinent long stovkings were still widespead throughout northen Europe meaning counties sith hard winters. A good idea of trends in Germany during the 1930s can be seen in available school photographs. A good example is the Hermsdorf school in 1934. We note a very young Swiss boy wearing white long stockings in 1939. Notice also the extremely long length. The 1930s is the point when manufacturers started knitting stockings long enough to cover the entire leg--both in Europe and America.

Early 1940s (1940-45)

Long stockings were going out of style by the time of World War II (1940-45). but had not didssappeared. They continued to be worn in countries at northerly latitudes with cold winters. We still see a few American boys wearing them and they continued to be worn in Canada as well. We also see them in Scandinavia, Germany, Eastern Europe, and the Soviet Union. We alsp see them in Japn.


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[Return to the main Main long stocking chronology page]
[Knee socks] [White knee socks] [Long stockings]
[Striped socks] [White stockings] [Tights]

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Created: January 9, 2002
Last updated: 2:40 AM 7/18/2006