*** boys clothing styles: style summary

Historical Garments: Archeological Evidence

chronoloical overview s
Figure 1.--

Clothing has been an integral part of human social history for millennia, basically since the emergence of modern man. The origins are lost in the mists of time. We believe that the initial impetus was warmth to survive in cold weather. One assessment suggests wearing clothing began nearly 170 millennia ago (about 170,000 years BP). This of course was eons before the development of civilization. Archeological evidence provides some of the earliest evidence of both technology and specific garments. The technology includes some items that are not biodegradable. Actual clothing is more difficult to find because clothing textiles are primarily made up of biologically degradable, perishable materials. Thus the earliest examples found can not be taken as an actual chronological beginning point, but they provide useful chronological information. Often what we have are examples found in certain favorable conditions like arid deserts were clothing materiel does not rot. While the garments may have appeared earlier, at least we have some idea as to the point where the garments were being worn. these example were mostly of adult clothing.


The technology includes some items that are not biodegradable. Because of this, many of the technological items are difficult to date. Sewing needles have been dated back to (over 40,000 years BP). Evidence of dyed fibers dates to (about 38,000 BP).


Actual clothing is more difficult to find because clothing is primarily made up of biologically degradable, perishable materials. But they can be more precisely dated through Carbon 14 techniques. The earliest examples found , however, can not be taken as a actual chronological beginning point, but they provide useful chronological information. Often what we have are examples found in certain favorable conditions like arid deserts were clothing materiel does not. While the garments may have appeared earlier, at least we have some idea as to the point where the garments were being worn. these example were mostly of adult clothing. Most garments today have very modern orgins, but it is fascuinating ti see histioric origins of these garmebnts.


The most important accessory is of course jewelry. There are countless jewelry items from ancient civilizations, including stunning objects. Jewelry appeared, however, well before civilization. A group of archeologists announced the discovery of what may be the oldest example of jewelry ever found --– eight eagle talons uncovered at a Neanderthal site in Croatia. The talons were from at least three eagles There was evidence of intricate cut marks, designed for stringing. There was evidence of careful polishing. They are believed to be part of a necklace or perhaps a bracelet. It is interesting that the eagle talons were from a Neanderthal sites. Neanderthals were a human subspecies believed to be more primitive than Cro-magnon humans. Jewelry like this suggests the development of advanced practices such as religion and art. Researchers speculate that the choice of eagle items suggest ceremonial importance, meaning the development symbolism not often credit to Neanderthals. This jewelry item dates to about 80,000 years before the arrival of modern humans meaning that Neanderthals could not have borrowed or imitated the design from modern human artifacts. Modern humans did not exit Africa until about !00-200,000 years BP.


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Created: 12:57 AM 4/28/2024
Last edited: 12:57 AM 4/28/2024