*** Little Lord Fauntleroy suits: age 5

Little Lord Fauntleroy Suits: Age 5 Years

Figure 1.-- These unidentified American boys wear knee pants suits. The portrait is undated, but the white whicker furniture suggests the turn-of-the 20th century. When you have brityhers like this, you have an inmsight ion the age cinventions in that famiky. The studio was Dorge Photos in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The boys here look about 5-7 years of age.

Age 5 years was another very common age for boys to wear the classic Little Lord Faunleroy suits with the cut-away jackets, gloppy bows. and and fancy blouses. This is the tyoe of Fauntkleroy outfit that was most common fir 5-year olds. We see substantial numbers in the pjotigraophic record. This was probably the most common age as so many boys had been breeched by age 5 years. Boys at this age were still mostly at home and had not yet begun school. School is important, because it is the first major step away from home. Boys usually began school at age 6 years. And the nimbr of boys wearing the classic cut-way jacket Fauntleroy suits dropped off sharply at this point. Although that is based on our assessment of school photography. Some boys may still have worn their Fauntleroy suit for special occassions. At school they meet other boys and are exposed to other ideas and views beyond that of the family, especially other boys. And they see that mother'ss views are not the same as other boys. All of this had not yet occcuured for most 5 year olds. Children began Kindergarten at age 5 years, but in the late-19th century when the Fauntleroy suit was a major style, there were still very few Kindergartens. Kindergsrtens and pre-schools were not yet well-established institutions. Children generally began school at age 6 years. Most mothers were home makers and did not work outside the home. They were thus home to take care of the younger children. Most but by no means all boys were already breeched by 5 years of age, especially by the mid-1880s when the Fauntleroy suit appeared. Some boys still wore kilt suits, but dresses were less common. Kilt suits were an lternative to Fauntleroy.,. They appeared eaky thn the Fauntleroyv suit, but both entb out of fasjion ar about the sanme time (1900s decade). And there were Fsunteroy kilt suits. Rge age conventuins were similar, at least fir the younger boys wearing the classic cut-away jacket Faunteroy suits. The Fauntleroy suits were a popular outfit for a boy after breeching. We note an unidentified Chicago boy who looks to be 5-6 years years old. He wears a huge lace collar. We note another unidentified boy who looks to be about 5 years old. He is pictured with his dog. A portrait shows Eddie Young with his younger brother in the 1890s. The boys wear identical Fauntleroy suit. We note quite a few boys wearing kilt suits a Fauntleroy kjacket with a plaud skirt-kilt, but then after breeching just switching the kilt for knee pant. Some moythers had portraits taken on the occassion showing the boy wearing first his kilt and than the new knee pants. This was probably not where the actual breeching took place, but where the event was recorded. Home photography was still not very common before the turn-of-the 20th century.


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Created: 7:00 AM 12/19/2022
Last updated: 7:00 AM 12/19/2022