Io Sono con Te / I Am with Thee (Italy, 2010)

Figure 1.-- Here is a scene from the Italian movie 'Io sono con te' showing Mary with the baby Jesus. The film is somewhat unusual in the film depections of Mary. Mary is depicted as a rather young teenager at the time she gave birth to Jesus. Although some what shocking to us today with our modern mindset, this is historically accurate. At the time girls got married just after puberty, sometime after the age of 12 years. Boys also married early, although usually a little later than girls. They had to be old enough to support a family.

The Italian movie "Io sono con te" (I am with thee) was directed in 2010 by Guido Chiesa. The title was from a beautiful passafge from the Old Testament book of Isaiah. "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." [Isaiah 41:10] The moviue is, however, set in the New Testament. It is the story of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Mary is of course in the Catholic tradition one of the most revered figures in the Bible. The film is somewhat unusual in the film depections of Mary. "Io sono con te" is less a religious film gthan a story about motherhood. Of course Mary of Nazareth, was a veery xpecial mother. The film begins with the conception of Jesus and continues through to his adolescence. The film concentrates on the very human relation with her son. She is supported by her husnand Joseph. He is the patriarch, but does not enforce the dominant male presence of the day. The film rather than religion addresses issues such as birth, childhood development, and raising children from the mother's point of view. The film this appeals to both Christians anbd non-Christians. Mary is depicted as a rather young teenager at the time she gave birth to Jesus. Although some what shocking to us today with our modern mindset, this is historically accurate. At the time girls got married just after puberty, sometime after the age of 12 years. Boys also married early, although usually a little later than girls. They had to be old enough to support a family.


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Created: 7:27 PM 7/18/2012
Last updated: 7:27 PM 7/18/2012