I Walk the Line (United States, 1970)

Figure 1.--Staid, rural Tennessee Sheriff Henry Tawes is a figure of unquestioned moral fibre. He has a reputation for judging ohers. He follows the law to he letter without question. Tawes develops an infatution with the young town girl Alma McCain. Alma's little brother is Buddy (Freddie McCloud). The McCain family business is moonshining.

The 1970 film 'I Walk the Line' was directed by John Frankenheimer and starred Gregory Peck and Tuesday Weld. The plot is about staid, rural Tennessee Sheriff Henry Tawes (played by Peck). Tawes is a figure of unquestioned moral fibre. He has a reputation for judging ohers. He follows the law to he letter without question. Tawes develops an infatution with the young town girl Alma McCain (played by Weld). The film is an adaptation of Madison Jones's novel, 'An Exile'. The title comes from the Jonny Cash classic, 'I Walk the Line' which featured prominently in the soundtrack. Peck was poorly cast as the sheriff. Weld was right on as the sultry young temptress. Frankenheimer wanted Gene Hackman to ply the shreiff who would have been a better choice. The studio wanted, hoever, to cut corners and chose Peck who was under contract. Tawes convinces Tawes to protect her moonshiner father. Alma's little brother is Buddy (Freddie McCloud). The Cash song is great, but the film does not do it justice.


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Created: 6:49 PM 5/21/2016
Last updated: 6:49 PM 5/21/2016