An Orphan Boy of Vienna: Plot--Joining the Choir

Figure 1.--Toni joins in with the Vienna Choir Boys while they are playing football diring a PE lesson. Football was already a major sport in Europe, even before World War II.

Herr Blueml decides to have Tony, somehow, join a Vienna choir. He is so inspired by Toni's voice that he takes Toni to a prestigious school and home for boy singers. He attempts to get him enrolled by sneaking into the Vienna Choir Boys' institute. He is not sure how to go about it. There is no evidence of the approaching Anschluss and the story focuses on the selfless assistance given Toni by Herr Blüeml, the street singer, and Toni's finding a new home with the Choir. The boys are playing football when Herr Blüeml and Toni arrive. Toni quite happily joins the boys in a game of football. Then the Choir rector, a kindly priest who runs the Vienna choir school, happens to arrive on the field. The boys stopp their game and gther around the rector. They sing a song for him. Toni 'blends in' with the boys and is 'discovered' not only being there but singing well. Difficult to believe that Toni already knew this song? Sure--but remember this was 1936. This leads to Toni's being admitted to the elite group of Vienna Choir boys, Fate has it that he is accepted.


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Created: 12:28 AM 12/9/2008
Last updated: 12:28 AM 12/9/2008