Movie Depictions: War

Figure 1.--One of the best Civil War films is 'Glory'. It is the story of black soldiers in the Union Army told through the experience of the 54th Massachusetts--the first black combat unit formed after Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. Here we see the Regiment's druummers boys. They were sent to the rear before the climatic assault on Fort Wagner, one of the Confederate forts defending Charleston.

Although we do not always think of it, but children are terribly affected by wars and in many cases have played an important role in wars. Many films deal with wars or include scenes about wars. World War I was the first major war which occurred after the development of the movie industry, at leadt Hollywood. Film industries as they developed, hiwever, were free to create war filns set in historical periods. We know very little about World War I. Hollywood was already an important industry. One Hollywood film, "The Kaiser, Beast of Berlin" (1917) caused anti-German riots in American cities. The most famous early war film was a German film--'All quiet on the Western Front'. As it was a silent film, it could easily be shown in other countries. The NAZIs banned it when they seized power. Surely no other war has been the subject of more films than World War II. Films were made both during and after the War. We have done some work on World War II. So far we have done some work on English World War II films and American World War II films. The NAZIs of course began making propaganda films as soon as they seized power in Germany (1933), years before they launched World Wat II. We have little information on their Axis allies (Italy and Japan). We do know that the Japanese made prpaganda films, including some in English (for distribution in Malaya and the (Philippines). We also know very little about Soviet films. Just like after World War II, Hollywood after World War II began making films with an anti-War and often anti-military bias. This was particularly the case after the Vietnm War. The same phenomenon has occurred after President Bush became president. Despite the 9-11 attacks, Hollywood has been relucant to take on Islamo-Fascism. They have made films critical of the United States and the Iraq War. There have been no films decipting the Gulf War, Afgahistan War, or Iraq War in a favorable light.

Children and War

Although we do not always think of it, but children are terribly affected by wars and in many cases have played an important role in wars. Many films deal with wars or include scenes about wars.


World War I was the first major war which occurred after the development of the movie industry, at least Hollywood. Film at the time was a still new medium. And they wee silent. Film industries as they developed, hiwever, were free to create war films set in historical periods. We know very little about World War I. Hollywood was already an important industry. One Hollywood film, "The Kaiser, Beast of Berlin" (1917) caused anti-German riots in American cities. The most famous early war film was a German film--'All quiet on the Western Front'. As it was a silent film, it could easily be shown in other countries. The NAZIs banned it when they seized power. And the talkies quickly suplanted silent films (1929-30). Despite the momentous developmenhts in the 1930s, Hollywood and other film industries ignored what was happening until just before the outbreak of the War. World War II resulted in a large number of new films including looking back at what had caused the War. The focus was on Germany and Italy. The Soviet operations as a NAZI ally was completely ifniored. Once the Soiviers were forced by Hitler into the Allied camp, then there was some coverage. Interestingly, neither Soviet or Western film makers have chosen to address the Soviet war effort as a NAZI ally (1939-41).

Specific Wars

Wars are addressed in many films. There is a limitation here in that to shiw soldirers, equipment, and fighting, there are cconsiderable costs involved. More commonly a war is a side line to in which a story line is set. Hollywood has generally focused on American wars, especially the Revolutionary war, the Civil War, World War I, World War II, and Vietnam. but not all of them. Surely no other war has been the subject of more films than World War II. Films were made both during and after the War. We have done some work on World War II. So far we have done some work on English World War II films and American World War II films. The NAZIs of course began making propaganda films as soon as they seized power in Germany (1933), years before they launched World Wat II. We have little information on their Axis allies (Italy and Japan). We do know that the Japanese made prpaganda films, including some in English (for distribution in Malaya and the (Philippines). We also know very little about Soviet films, but we know Worlkd war II (at least the part when the Sivietrs were no longer a NAZI ally) is well addressed in Soviet films. . Just like after World War II, Hollywood after World War II began making films with an anti-War and often anti-military bias. Even World War II-theme fils were affected. THis trend did not occur in the SOviet Union, at least when the Red Army was depicted. This anti-War theme was particularly the case after the Vietnm War. The same phenomenon has occurred after President Bush became president. Despite the 9-11 attacks, Hollywood has been relucant to take on Islamo-Fascism. They have made films critical of the United States and the Iraq War. There have been no films decipting the Gulf War, Afgahistan War, or Iraq War in a favorable light.

Politics and War


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Created: 9:06 PM 10/21/2011
Last updated: 9:16 PM 2/14/2012