War Movies: Specific Wars

Figure 1.--The Battle of Britain was the first major air battle of World War II. It had enormous consequences, not all of which were fully understood at the time. Most of the major battles of the War were enormous engagements involving hundreds of thousand of combantants, in some cases more than a million. The Battle of Britain, however, like Midway in the Pacific, was won by a handful of aviators--most with with only basic trainuing and little or no combat training. When the British to Hitler's surprise resisted, he ordered the terror bombing of London. Londoners were not prepared. Although the Government at first discouraged the practice, the people began using the Underground as bomb shelter.

Wars are addressed in many films. There is a limitation here in that to show soldirers, equipment, and fighting, there are cconsiderable costs involved. More commonly a war is a side line to in which a story line is set. Hollywood has generally focused on American wars, especially the Revolutionary war, the Civil War, World War I, World War II, and Vietnam. but not all of them. Surely no other war has been the subject of more films than World War II. Films were made both during and after the War. We have done some work on World War II. So far we have done some work on English World War II films and American World War II films. The NAZIs of course began makirg propaganda films as soon as they seized power in Germany (1933), years before they launched World War II. We have little information on their Axis allies (Italy and Japan). We do know that the Japanese made prpaganda films, including some in English (for distribution in Malaya and the (Philippines). We also know very little about Soviet films, but we know World War II (at least the part when the Soviets were no longer a NAZI ally) is well addressed in Soviet films. Just like after World War II, Hollywood after World War II began making films with an anti-War and often anti-military bias. Even World War II-theme films were affected. This trend did not occur in the Soviet Union, at least when the Red Army was depicted. This anti-War theme was particularly the case after the Vietnam War. The same phenomenon has occurred after President Bush became president. Despite the 9-11 attacks, Hollywood has been relucant to take on Islamo-Fascism. They have made films critical of the United States and the Iraq War. There have been no films decipting the Gulf War, Afgahistan War, or Iraq War in a favorable light.

Seven Years War

Revolutionary War

The Revolutionary War is surely one of the most monentous war in history. It resulted in the establishment of the first important republic in modern times. It was the beginnung of the decline of monarchial rule and an important steo in the advance of democracy and the creation of the modern world. There were quite a few Revolutiinary war films made before world war II, but modern film makers have turned primarily turned to othr wars. The Civil War attracts much more atentiin from Hollywood than the Revolutionary War. Probably the best known ecent Revolutionary War film is 'The Patriot' (2000). Only American film makers address the Revolution. Neither British film makers or film makers in other countries touch upon it, despite the huge impact it had on world history, especially European history. Other revolutions have attracted attention by film makers, such as the French and Russian Revolution despite the fact that only the American Revolution has an enormous positive impact on people's lives abd werern Civilization. This is perhaps because the american Revolution was a conservative revolution, no guillotine or mass graves. And the Revolution led to the advance rather than the limitation on freddom, both political freedom (democracy) and economic freedom (capitalism) which led to the creation of the most sucessful country in history.

Napoleonic Wars

The best known film depicting the Napoleonic Wars is probably the ptoduction of Leo Tolstoy's 'War and Peace'. One of the strangest war films ever made was 'Kolberg' (Germany, 1943-44). It was the most expensive film made during the NAZI era. It was based on the autobiography of Joachim Nettelbeck, mayor of Kolberg. The film is based on the successful Prussian defence of Kolberg, a fortress besieged by the French (April-July 1807). The whole project was overseen by the Propaganda Minister Gobbels. As war obsessed as the NAZIs were, one might have thought that Goebbels would have ordered a raft of war films as the Western Allies produced. Instead Goebbels used film to take the mind of Germans off the War. The film was finally comoleted in the midst of a milirary crisis with the Western Allies liberating France and the Soviets smashing Army Group Center in the East. Combat troops were removed from the friont to act as regulars.

American Civil War

Certainly the best known Civil War film is 'Gone with the wind' (1939). The war itself, however, is only tangently treated. One of the bet films is 'Glory' (1989) about black Union soldiers. There are depictions of both slave children and drummer boys (figure 1).

World War I

World War II

Surely no other war has been the subject of more films than World War II. Films were made both during and after the War. We have done some work on World War II. So far we have done some work on English World War II films and American World War II films. The NAZIs of course began making propaganda films as soon as they seized power in Germany (1933), years before they launched World Wat II. We have little information on their Axis allies (Italy and Japan). We do know that the Japanese made prpaganda films, including some in English (for distribution in Malaya and the (Philippines). We also know very little about Soviet films, but we know World War II (at least the part when the Sivietrs were no longer a NAZI ally) is well addressed in Soviet films. . Just like after World War II, Hollywood after World War II began making films with an anti-War and often anti-military bias. Even World War II-theme fils were affected. THis trend did not occur in the SOviet Union, at least when the Red Army was depicted.

Korean War

Two of the most important movies about the Korean War are 'Pork Chop Hill' and 'The Bridges at Toko-Ri'. There is one scene with children but that was in Japan not in an action scene. The stars of the movie go to a bath house to find out that in Japan many families bathe together. The najor Korean War film with children is Battle Hymn (1957). Then there is 'Mash' an anti-Vietnam War movie set in Korea. The film and subsequent TV-series art=re one of the most dishonest fi,s Hollywood has ever nmade. The central thessis is that war is useless amd made by political leaders without any reason. Yet ask any of the people involved in the production if they would like to live in the Hell hole that is North Korea or democratic, vibrant South Korea. The stark difference between the North and South shows up in satellite imagery--the North Korean dictatorship shows us a pitch black next to South Korea aglow with free social and economic activity. Not once in the long history of the Mash series did the producers have the intelectual honesty to address this, but rather the focus was on undermining the sacrifices made by American and oyher U.N. servicemen to defend freedom. We assume that the Koreans hve made many films about the war. Unfortunately we know nothing about them. Hopefully our Korean reades will be able to tell us somthing about them.

Vietnam War

The anti-War theme was particularly the case after the Vietnm War.

War Against Terror

The same phenomenon anti-War theme has occurred after President Bush became president. Despite the 9-11 attacks, Hollywood has been relucant to take on Islamo-Fascism. They have made films critical of the United States and the Iraq War. There have been no films decipting the Gulf War, Afgahistan War, or Iraq War in a favorable light.


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Created: 12:22 AM 2/15/2012
Last updated: 10:12 AM 1/23/2016