Movie Depictions: American Revolutionary War

Figure 1.-- The Revolutionary War is surely one of the most monentous war in history. It resulted in the establishment of the first important republic in modern times. It was the beginnung of the decline of monarchial rule and an important steo in the advance of democracy and the creation of the modern world. There were quite a few Revolutiinary war films made before World War II, but modern film makers have turned primarily turned to other wars. The Civil War attracts much more attention from Hollywood than the Revolutionary War. Probably the best known Revolutionary War film is 'The Patriot' (2000).

The Revolutionary War is surely one of the most monentous war in history. It resulted in the establishment of the first important republic in modern times. It was the beginnung of the decline of monarchial rule and an important steo in the advance of democracy and the creation of the modern world. There were quite a few Revolutiinary war films made before World War II, but modern film makers have turned primarily turned to other wars. The Civil War attracts much more attention from Hollywood than the Revolutionary War. Probably the best known Revolutionary War film is 'The Patriot' (2000). Only American film makers address the Revolution and relatively few of them. Neither British film makers or film makers in other countries touch upon it, despite the huge impact it had on world history, especially European history. Other revolutions have attracted attention by film makers, such as the French and Russian Revolution despite the fact that only the American Revolution has an enormous positive impact on people's lives and Western Civilization. This is perhaps because the American Revolution was a conservative revolution, no guillotine or mass graves. And the Revolution led to the advance rather than the limitation on freddom, both political freedom (democracy) and economic freedom (capitalism) which led to the creation of the most sucessful country in history. We suspect that neiter sounds particularly revolutionary to modern left-wing auduences.


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Created: 10:26 AM 1/23/2016
Last updated: 10:26 AM 1/23/2016