Austrian Boys' Clothes: Garments

Figure 1.--The Austrian woman had her portrait taken with her little boy in the late 1930s. The boy in the late 1930s looks to be wearing a one-pieve suit.

We notice some Austrian boys wearing one-piece outfits, but not done in romper style bottoms. We do not yet have enough information about Austria to assess how popular these outfits were. We do not know when they first appeared, but we notice them in the 1930s. One reader writes, "I don't recall ever seeing this kind of suit in images from Austria and Germany." As younger boys' clothing was commonly made by mothers and grandmothers, styles were often not as standardized as the clothes for older boys. The boy here looks to be about 3-4 years old. He seems to be wearing a one-piece short pants suit. It is somewhat similar to a romper, but without the baloon pants. There are buttons down the front and a breast pocket in which he sports a decorative white handkerchief. The suit looks to me as though it were made of velveteen but it is hard to be sure. The suit seems to have a matching collar. He wears very long beige colored stockings and hightop shoes. He holds a small ball in his hands.


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Created: November 30, 1999
Last updated: February 20, 2004