School Headwear: Chronology--21th Century

Figure 1.--The once destinctive school headwear worn by children in different country largely disappeared in the late-20century. Japan is a rare exception. Many schools continue to require often destibctive headwear. This is usually, but not always, different for boys and girls. Here we see children headed home from a Kyoto school in 2006. Notice the chinstraps on the hats.

Headwear trends underway in the late-20th century carried over into the 21st century. For the most part, destinctive national styles have disappeared. Headwear was not very common as schoolwear. We do note boys in America and other countries wearing baseball caps. An exception to the decline in headwear was winter wear. We note headwear during the cold winter weather and to an extent on rainy days. Stocking caps were popular in America during the winter. School uniform caps and other headwear was rate in Britain, except at aivate schools. We do not see many European children wearing headwear to school. Even in countries like New Zealand where traditional uniforms were cpmmon, headwear was not. An exception was some primary schools adopting sun-safe clothing, sometimes with uniforms. This was commonly baseball caps with a back flap and wide-brimmed hats. Japan was a rare exception to headwear. While many secondary schools dropped headwear as part of the uniform, many primary schools continued to insist on headwear. Baseball caps and rounded-crown hats were the most common styles, but there were others.


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Created: 5:06 AM 8/9/2011
Last updated: 5:06 AM 8/9/2011