Australian School Uniform: White Kneesocks

Figure 1.--This Australian school uniform retailer offers white kneesocks for secondary school uniforms. They are worn with blue short pants and black Oxford shoes. Notice that the girls wears white socks, but not kneesocks.

Several Australian secondary schools have uniforms requiring white kneesocks. I have not noticed in any primary schools with white kneesocks for boys' uniforms. They are for some reason normally worn with blue rather than grey shorts. They are also normally worn with blavk Oxford shoes. I'm not sure how common white kneesocks are in Australia. They may be seasonal summer wear. One school requiring them is in Brisbane where the climate is quite warm.


White kneesocks are not casual school wear. Many of the chools which have uniforms with blue shorts and white kneesocks also require white shirts and ties. They are for some reason normally worn with blue rather than grey shorts. They are also normally worn with blavk Oxford shoes.


There seems to be two patterns for wearing white knee socks at Australian schools.

Senior Boys

At most schools wear white kneesocks are worn, it appears that only the senior students wear white socks with their summer uniform. This might only happen when they wear blue shorts (as most do). Other schools, if they wear different coloured shorts, wear coloured socks appropriate to the uniform. This would probably mean wearing long grey socks or even grey ankle socks. Some schools do have the socks with the matching coloured bands around the top, but they are mostly worn by the juniors.

This appears to be similar to the uniform at some New Zealand schools where older boys are allowed to wear light blue kneesocks instead of the grey kneesocks worn by the younger boys. It is always, however, light blue and not white. This convention relates to the light-colored kneesocks and walk shorts that adult New Zealanders used to commonly wear.

All Boys

A few schools have white kneesocks for all the boys. White kneesocks are worn, for example, by all the boys at a Brisbane school.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: January 3, 20000
Last updated: January 3, 2000