Ottoman Era Palestinian Economy: Sectors

Figure 1.--The written information on this photograph describes locals winnowing corn at Nazareth. It may be wheat, it is not possible to tell from the snapshot. (Corn is sometimes used as a general term for grain.) The photograoh was taken about 1910.

Palestine had a basically agricultural economy. Large areas are arid and poorly watered. But there is fertile soil and water in some areas. Both agriculture and settlement depends largely on the availbility of water, which is abundant in few areas. Rain is highest in the cool half of the year. It is highest in the north and deccreases as one moves south and as moves from the ciast inland. There are few perennial rivers. The water problem worsened by the porous limestone revanlent throughout the region. The West Bank is dominated by a mountain range running from north to south which contributed to precipitation. The water accumulates in aquifers and surfaces in springs. There are mountain aquifers in the west and east if the West Bank. They extend to the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan. The coastal aquifer exted to the northern part of the Gaza Strip. The River Jordan has historically been another vital source of water, but the water quantity and quality have been reduced in recent years that the river’s importance has significantly declined. Palistinian farmers since ancient times have lived and wiorked in autarkic communities. Important changes in Palestinre began as a result of increasung commercial ties with Western Europe (mid-19th century). Palestinians began exporting grain, citrus fruits, olive oil, and soap. Artisan products (tapestries and glass). The primry ports were Jaffa, Haifa, and Acre. And Western manufactured imports increased. Another part of the economy was the flow of pilgrims through Palestine, both Christian and Muslim. The Christian pilgrims were a relatively new phenonenon kin the 19th century. And the missioins they fiounded also had an impact on the economy.


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Created: 7:53 AM 4/25/2014
Last updated: 3:44 PM 11/17/2018