*** decisive ancient battles: Lagash and Umma

The Decissive Battles of Ancient History: Lagash and Umma (c2450 BC)

Lagash Stele of the Vultures
Figure 1.--The first written evidence of a battle comes from the Lagash Stele of the Vultures. King Eannatum of Lagash, inspired by Ningirsu, the patron god of his city, marched out with his army to attack neighboring Umma. There is also a cuneiform tablet from Umma desribing the battle.

The next evidence of a an early battle again comes from Sumer. This gives a misleading impression, that ancinct Sumer was a warlike civilization. Nothing could be further from the truth. Early Sumerivsn cities did not have walls, a strong indication that warfare was rndemic. And Sumerian civilizatiomn developoed a millennia before we see wars and battles betweem Sumerian city states. Inevitably, however, as Sumer developed and city states grew, conflicts developed over the agriculturl land between them. Uruk was the main city and there is no eviudence of a militrized society. The earliest account of a war and battles comes from Lagash (c2450 BC). Lagash and the neighbouring city of Umma quarled over land located between them. The conflict is described in the Stele of the Vultures. King Eannatum of Lagash, inspired by Ningirsu, the patron god of his city, marched out with his army to attack neighboring Umma. Precise details about the ensuing battle do not exist. The Stele does portray a few details. The carved depiction suggest that when the two armies met, King Eannatum climbed down from his chariot and led his forces on foot. Chariots at the time were more four wheel heavy waggon, best illustrated in theStatnard of Ur. The Lagash army loweed their spears and advanced on Umma in a solid phalanx. A short clasj ensued and Lagash emerged victorious. King Eannatum was struck in the eye by an arrow, but survived. the battle between the two cities the earliest battles known to history. The Stele and an Umma uneiform tablet provides a written account, however inperfect.


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Created: 3:26 AM 9/30/2018
Last updated: 3:26 AM 9/30/2018