This school was located in Kern City, California. We do not know if it had a specific name or was just called the Kern City School. We have a single portrait from 1891. The portrait seems to show more than a single class, but not the older children that would have attended a primary school at the time. The children wear quite a large range of garments, providing a good view popular fashion in the 1890s. The many different garments and even hair styles here is particularly interesting. Most of the boys haf short hair, but one mother seems to have seen her son to school with ringlet curls. Hr is the boy in front wearing a Fauntleroy suit. I can't make out the type of cap he is wearing, perhaps a tam. We can only see a few boys holding their headwear. We don't see any hats, but two boys wear peaked military caps. Many of the boys wear suit coats, but there are a range of diifferent styles.
Several boys wear Fauntleroy items, especially ruffled collars. Other boys wear quite plain outfits. Notice that there do not appear to be any sailor suits. Most of the boys wear knee pants and long black stockings. And few boys wear long pants. The girls wears dresses, some with pinafores. The girls also wear blacl stockings.
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[Ringlet curls]
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