*** motorized vehicles history 20th century

The Automobile and the History of the 20th Century

the automobile in the 20th century
Figure 1.--The automobile is what most men aspired to own since boyhood like this Yugoslav boy just before World War II. Many middle-class families could aford them, but only in America could working-class families afiord buy one. With the advent of the Deopression (1930s). Will Rogers joked. America is the first ciuntry tio go to the poor gouse in an automobile. In Europe, workers bought bikes. The result was the huge growth of American industry and a massive autmobile industry. In Europe, industriasl expabsion swas much more limited. This would play a huge role in determining the outcome of the 20th centry.

The automobile was invented as a plaything for the rich (1890s). It was just the kind of luxury that Socialists deride. It proved to be more--much mofre. Arch Capitalist Henry Ford created the Model T Tin Lizzy (1908) and because of the efficiencies of the assembly line and his commitment to pay workers a living wage, workers could afford to buy cars. At least in America, European car manufacturers continued to produce highly priced luxury vehicles in craft shops. The result was that the automobile propelled America into the industrial stratosphere. America had been the greatest industrial power. As a result, America not only was the greatest industrial power, but was beginning to approach the industrial capacity of Germany, Britain, and France combined. After World War I, the Soviet Union was created and defined itself as the worker's paradice. Only throughout the 70 years of existence, American Capitaslist workers workers received far better pay and led most prosperous lives. Soviet workers could only dream of owning a car. American industrial wokers not only had cars, but comfortable homes. The Americans are also better paid than German workers under National Socialism. The automobile was not only a life-style statement, but the industry proved to be a major factor in the World War II Arsenal of Democracy. Of course wars were not fought with cars, but factories that built cars could also build fighting vhicles. The American automobile industry not only built the tanks and other motor vehicles need for mobil warfare, but also built aircraft that also needed to defeat the Axis powers. Germany was a heavily industrialized nation, but simply could not match American production. This was not just because of a larger industrial base, but because of the efficencies of Capitalist industry. The American automobile industry also played a major role in the Cold War. The Soviets could produce a lot of vehicles, but the problem was that the vehicles produced were actually worth less than the raw materials and other inputs that went inro the factory. This was possible during an emergency such as war, but not on a permanent basis. Not only were Soviet vehicles expensive to produce, but were of extrodinarily low quality. They could not be sold on world markets. No one wanted them. They were only sold within the Soviet Union because Soviet consumers had no other options. And few workers could afiord them. The ineffiencies of Socialism is the primary reason that the Soviets lost the Cold War. Soviet workers quipped, they pretend to pay us and we pretend to work.


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Created: 2:39 AM 9/19/2022
Last updated: 2:39 AM 9/19/2022