The HBC biography section is for people or families that have achieved some degree of notariety or fame. HBC readers in many cases have submitted family portraits. HBC has until now not added them to the biography section. We believe now that this is a mistake. Many of the HBC readers contributing family portraits can also provide details about the boy and him family. This background information help us to assess social trends and put the fashions involved in perspective. This is just why the biographical section is an important part of HBC. As a result, HBC has decided to create pages for these relatively unknown people, when some basic family data is available. Incidentally if you find a relative here, please do tell us somehing about him. Here we are listing these biographies alpahabetically to facilitate looking up individual names. The alphabdetical list is the primary data base in this section. While we have not persued geneolgical resreach on these individual, having the names and in many cases the loaction provide the potential to acquire more back ground information in the future which may provide additonal insights into the fashion and life style trends.
This portrait of two American children looksto have been taken about 1905, based on the clothes and mount. We can't make out the photographers information, but looks to be something like Mattod, Illinois. We at first thought the children were two sisters, bur they are a boy anf girl, presumably cousins. Their names are written on the back of the portrait: "Aldeau Larkin and Kenneth Boardman, Aunt Lizzies children". They both wear white dresses and have white hair bows. They look to be 2 and 4-5 years old.
Here we see two children identified as Howard and Alic Boatfield. We are not sure if Alic is Alice mispelled or short for Alexander or Alice. We tend to think it is Alice becayse of herr cenrer parted hair, usually meaning a girl. They look to be about 1-5 years old. Alic wears a white baby dress. Howard wears a collar byrroning knee panrs suit with a Fauntleroy collar with serrated edging and a floppy bow. He has the standard black long stockings and high-top shoes of the era. The portrait was taken by G.M. Hoffman in Le Roy New York. It was an Extra Finish portrait, meaning a whitish look and background lighting. This was the Ivoryette process developed by Edward Dana and helps date the portait to the 1890s.
We see few boys wearing tunics in American school portraits which became increasinglky common in the late-19th century. We also do not see English boys wearing thm to school, but here our archive is limited. We do notice French and German boys wearing tunics to school. We note German boy Albert Boelerke wearing a tam and velvet-trimmed tunic for his first day of school in 1892. This German CDV portrait shows a German school boy outfitted for his first day school portrait. He wears a tam with a velvet trimmed tunic worn with knee pants and long stockings. Writing on reverse identifies the boy as Albert Boelerke along with a March 7, 1886 birthdate. As boys began school at about 6 years of age, this would mean the portrait was taken about 1892. The gift cone shows it was rememberance of his first school day. The studio was F. Benckert in Halle.
This is a great photograph of a little boy who is identified on the back as Bobbie Boldman. Bobbie sports a bowl-cut hair style and a plain sailor suit worn with high-top dark long stockings. Bobbie who looks to be about 6-years old is sitting on a pony that at first we thought was real, but on second look appears a little stiff with a very long face! At any rate it is dated on the back as May 1925. The image itself is about 5 1/2" by 3 1/4". With the elaborate frame-like border is 8" by 5 & 3/4".
Here we see a cabinet card portrauit ofc the Bolin children. They were the childrenn of Etta and George Bolin. The studio and city are covered up. There are five childrebn, two girls and three boys. They look to be about 1-13 years old. The two middle boys wear identical classic Fauntleroy suits, one with a flopy bow and one without a bow. We can't see what the older boy is wearing other than it is a suit. The portait named but undated, but would have been taken about about the 1890s. The girl's dress has baloon sleeves is a good chronological indicator. There names are Lula, Firm, Alva, Clint, and William We might have gussed the baby ws a boy, but as there are two girls' names, she must be a girl.
Here we see Candian boy George Bowditch at his home, 941 Lampson St., Victoria, British Colombia. George looks to be about 12 years old and has a center hair part. He wears a suit with some Norfolk styling and knicker pants. Knicker suits and pants were very common in Canada, more like America than Britain. We even see Canadian boys wearing knickers a few years after they went out of style in America. Notice he is wearing knee socks rather than long stockings. This was more common in the 1930s than 20s when boys commonly wore long stockings. Norfolk suits were, hiwever, more common in the 20s than 30s. Thus we would date the snapshot to about 1930. Notice the plain knee sicks rather than the loud patterened knee socks American boys wore. We are not yet sure about Cananadia knee sock trends.
Here we see Jeffrey Bowes with his best friend Caesar. Other than the names, there is no other information. They are sitting on a lind of wheeled passanger waggon. We don't see any steering device or propulsion mechanism. Jeffrey looks to be wearing ba dark shirt and sweater, short pants, knee socks, and what looks like sneakers. The snapshot is not dated. We would guess that it was taken about 1930. Jeffrey looks to be about 10 years old. There are clues as to where in America Jeffrey lived.
An unidentified painter did a beutifully detailed portrait of a young boy from the Bolles family of New London, Connecticut. The portrait is undated but looks to be from the the 1860s. He wears a grey suit with oversized weid sleerves and the kneepnats that were beconming fashionable in the 1860s. Early knee pants like these tended to be quite long.
This is a sixth plate daguerreotype portrait of a little boy in a high chair. The tablecloth has been beautifully hand tinted, a common practice in dags. This is aarticularly valuable dag because it is dates and the boy identified. Most dags are not identified. The pad opposite the image identifies the boy as "C. Olin Boyden, Aged 2 years & 8 months, August 2d, 1852, Columbus, Ga". The dag is housed in a full case (split spine) with a floral design. The oval metal frame is very plain.
This German school boy was photographed in the sailor suit that he wore to school. He wears a sailor hait that looks rather like an English boater hat. His dark sailor suit buttons at the front and the "V" collar seems to have three embroidered dark stripes. The suit has knee pants which he wears with lighter colored long stockings. The boy has an elaborately emroidered white dickey, but I can't make out what the design is. I'm not sure how his hair was cut, but it looks rather close cropped. His name was Emil Brack. We do not know a great deal about Emil, except where the portrait was taken. He looks to be well outfitted for school so we assumed his family lived in comfortable circumstannces. Emil looks like a younger primary school boy, but it probably was not his first day of school.
This cabinent card shows Eobert J. Brakey and presumably his little sister, C. E. Brakey. We do not know where in the States they were from. The style of the cabinet card suggests that the portrait was taken in the very early 1900s. The classic Fauntleroy suit was still worn in the early 1900s, but rapdly goping out of style after mid-decade. Rober wears a classic cut-away jacket Fauntleroy with a large ruffled collar. Robert looks to be about 5 years old.
This is a family snapshot of the Brassy boys. They are the sons of Henry Leonard Campbell Brassey, 1st Baron Brassey of Apethorpe (1870 - 1958) and Lady Violet Brassey. There father was known as Sir Henry Brassey and was a Conservative Party politician. He purchased Apethorpe Hall near Peterborough which became his seat (1904). He was elected to the House of Commons for Northamptonshire North (1910-18). He then represented Peterborough (1918-20). While a member of parliament, he fought in the First World War, becoming a major in the Northamptonshire Yeomanry and in the West Kent Yeomanry. He also served as a Justice of the Peace for Northamptonshire and for Kent, as High Sheriff of Northamptonshire and as a Deputy Lieutenant of Northamptonshire. After World War I he was created Baronet of Apethorpe. He was raised to the peerage as Baron Brassey of Apethorpe (1938). Furious debates were conducted in Parliament over the NAZIs and defense preoarations, but we have found no record of Brassey's participation which means he must have suported the Government and appesement. We have found portraits of some of his sons.
We see the Breckwoldt children posed for a studio cabint portrait in a toy pony cart set up. It was a large size cabinet card (9 1/2" by 7 1/4"). There are three children, 1-9 years old. They are as best we can make out from the writing in the back: Otlilie Olga Wilhelmine (1 1/2 years old), Irmgarde Enile Ida (age 3 years old), and Rudolf Carl Hermann (9 years old). Click on th image to see if you can better make out the writing. It seens to have been written in German, suggesting rlatively recent German immigrants. The family lived in Dolgeville, New York, a small village in central New York near Albany, The portrit was taken in May 1907. Oytlilie, the baby, wears a lacy infant dress. Irmgarde wears a fluffy white coat bd flower hat. Rudolf wears a plain dark sailir suit with a wide brimed hat, knicker pants, and dark long stockings. At the time knickers had just begun to relace knee pants for American boys.
All we know about this boy is that he was English and his name was Paul de Brensky. He wears a velvet Fauntleroy suit consisting of a collar-buttoning jacket and knee pants. He has a lace collar covering his shoulders with a small light-colored boe, perhaps blue, and a silk sah hanging down at his side. There is no way of knowing, but we woild guess it was red. He has white stockings anf high-top shoes. White stockings are something you do not see with American long stockings at the time. His hair is parted in the center, rather unusual for a boy. He looks to be about 6 years old. It is a CDV suzed portrait, but was not a CDV so we do not know where the portrait was taken. The portrait is not dated, but we would say was taken in the 1880s.
This cabinet portrait shows Maitland Brereton (writing indistinct) in 1888. The studio was Ramsey on the Isle of Man. Maitland sent the portrait to his Auntie Annie. He wears a single breasted sack suit with a vest. Notice the very large lapelnd the piping. He has an emaculate Eton collar, very common at the time. We assmed this was his school uniform, but his tie does not look like a school tie. The mount has a gold colored trim.
Here we see Sammie Tate Brewers. He was 5 years old when his portrait was taken in Kisse, Texas. I'm not sure just what kind of cap he was wearing. It is undated but was probably taken about 1905. Sammie wears a knee pants sailor suit. I'm not sure what the color of the suit would have been. The most interesting aspect of the portrait is that his mother has added a very large white ruffled collar.
This CDV portait shows siblings Hilda and Hylton Brisco Carlisle. Thanks to infotmation on the back we know that Hylton was 6 years old. For some reason only one of the children's ages are noted--6 years. Only Hilda looks older and Hylton younger. There is one word on the back that we cannot make out. She has a fancy curly hair do with ringklets. Her dress is a littkle difficukt to make out It has a small fancy neck decoration. It looks to be a white dress with vertical embroidery. Hylton's hair is done in bangs with longer, perfectly formed ringlets. He wears a flannel collar buttoning blouse suit with piping and nmatching long knee pants. There is what looks like a small Eton collar and small bow. Both children wear black long stockings. The studio was Benj Scott and Sons in Carlise.
This CDV portrait shows ?enejy Brittches (the writing on the back is indistinct). We thought at first it may be Henry, but there appears to be a 'j' in the name. He looks to be about 6 years old wearing a velvet cut-away jacket, with voluminous knicker pants. The jacket is olain, but there is piping with a matching band at tyhe rist cuff. We do not see much of his blouse, but it has a small collar worn with a small colored cross tie. Many of these suits were worn with vests, but not this one. And because there is no vest, it does not seen to button up the front. Shortened-length pants were becoming standard for younger boys in the 1870s. Many of the jackets had embroidered design often in the 70s with matching embroidery on the pants. Here we only have the embroidery on the pants. These rather baggy knickers seem to have been very popular in the 1870s. We see them more than knee pants, at least in the photographic record. We are not sure about the color, either black or other dark color. If you look on the desk you can see a matching tam with what looks ike some kind of metal pin. The writing io the back is not clear. We can't make out is first name, but his last name is Brtittches. The studio is W. Hicks in Eastbourne. He may be from Eastbourne, but as it is a beach resort, he may be just visiting.
This portrait is of Princess Marguerite de Broglie and her cousin Robert. It was painted in 1890.
The artist is Carolus Duran (1837-1917). Marguerite was the daughter of Albert de Broglie, who was a prime minister. I do not have much information on the prestigious Broglie family, but the genealogical tree including marshals, writers, a 'President du Conseil' (Prime Minister) and a Nobel prize-winning scientist.
We're not sure about Robert's last name. The children are clearly European. An American boy would have never worn three-quarter socks like this, but always long stockings.
Here we have a large 5"x7"in cabinet card portrait of Arthur and Margaret Brooks aged about 3-6 years old. The boys wears a striped Fauntlroy blouse for older boys, this one with a square collar. Many of these blouses had decorative frills. This one os lasrge, but plain. The boy's bow is a rare sheer materrial. The portrait is undated, but looks like the 1900s decade. The studio was Bowden on Photographers Row on Magnolia Street in Atlanta, Georgia.
The convention of boys wearing dresses began to declime in the late-19th century anmd was going out of fashion by thev 1900s decade. The really young boys were the only exception left. We note two Missouri siblings about 1-3 years old wearing similar skirted outfits in 1903. The style of the cabinet card can help date the image, but in this case the card is dated.) We note tunic suit becoming popular for American boys at the turn of the century, but the ready made tunic suits seem to mostly begin for sizes 2 1/2-3 years. But here we note a boy who wears a tunic-styled dress that looks to be about about 1 year old. His older sister wears a coordinared dress, but without the tunic features.
One of the most common English names is Brown, which means it is also a common name in America and Canada. Here is another professional protrait taken in Montreal (December 18, 1897). The white porch railing and potted plant are obviously part of a professional photographer's set and give the appearance of a spring or summer
scene even though the picture was actually taken during a wintry Montreal December. The boy and girl are brother and sister. Unfortunately we don't know their Christian names, but the name Brown obviously places them among the Anglophone and probably affluent ruling elite of the city.
Dan Brown had his CDV portrait taken, but we are not sure where in A,erica he was from. His propername was probanly Daniel. All that we know for sure is his name and the fact he was 8 years old. There is no printing on the front or back. That helps to date it, because blank cards were most common in the 1860s and early 70s. The clothes suggest the 1870s to us. Dan really was concntrating for the portrait, his eyes are fixed on the family. He has an Eton collae with a soft point whoch he wears with what looks like a stock tied with a a kind of cross bow. His hair is a little shorter than was common in the 60s. He has a suit with a loud check. The javket has matching pants. He hold a hat with a wide brim, but we can't make it out very well.
Here we see a cabinet card portrait of four boys, almost certainly brothers. They are all dressed in matching sailor suits, posing on what looks to be a mockup of the deck of a ship. They are standard solid color suits, presumably blue. They have white collars and dickies. They were apparently worn with boater hats. Each boy has a lanyard and whistel. The boys look to be about 5-10 years old. The portrait was taken by G. Brown and Son studio in Deal and Ramsgate, England. There is writing on the back which I can't make out, but it is signed "G. Brown". Could this possibly be Brown's son? It is most unusual for a photographer to sign one of his cabinent cards.
This cabinent card portrait of Percy Whiting Brown (sp?) was taken in 1891. It was taken at the Emerson studio in Lowell. We assume that is Massachusetts. It is unusual for an American cabinet card not to indicate the state. There is an inscription on the back in ink script "Percy Whiting (Brown?) and dated 1891 with the notation "My first pants!". We do not know how Percy was dressed before he was breeched. He wears a tam and knee pants sailor suit with a light-colored scarfe. There is a pocket in the middy blouse with a hankerchief. He has his hands in his pocket, unusual in these portraits. This shows us how the pants were constructed in period knee pants. The cabinent card was black with gild script. This appears to have been a popular style in the 1890s. Also bote the stand to hold Percy steady. We seen these in earlier cabinent cards, but they were less common in the 1890s.
We have noted a portrait from the T.K. Brown family, probably taken in the 1880s. The Brown boy is posed in the studio wearing a pleated checked longsleeve dress topped by a white linen pinafore. This is interesting as generally for portraits children were no posed in their pinafores which were protective garments. He is looking off camera and a string leads from his hands to the pull toy horse on wheels. All details can be seen clearly. His hair is cut short. The photographic studio was: P.E.Chillman, 914 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Hand written in pencil on the back in old script is: "I think of the T K Brown family ?".
We note a very fancy cabinet card portrait of Willie Brown. Willie looks to be about 13-years old. He looks to be wearing his school clothes. He wear a school cap, lrge Etin collar abd small bowtie. The portrait is not dated, but we woukd guess it was taken around 1900-05. It was taken at Quaside, the northern Type River bank pf Newcastke in northern England. At the time it was an important industrial area.
Here we see Henrik Bruun about 1799-1800. He was the eldest son of Elisabeth Henriette Bruun de Neergaard. We have noy yet found any information about the family. Bruun was a very common name and still is. Neergaard was a town in Denmrk. Many of the individuals were farmers. To have a portrait painted by a master arrtist suggest that Elizabeth and her huband must have been living in comfortable circumtances. This is also suggested by the fashionanle clothes. Henrik wears a striped green top. We are not sure about the bottom, but it may be a skeleton suit. We have not noted a skeleton suit with short slleves. Dresses had short sleeves, but Henrik's top does not llook like a bodice. He has a white open collar with frilly edging. He looks about 3 years old. The artist was Danish master Jens Jiel, painted in his last years.
A portrait of Valom? Bruzga was taken in Boston aboy 1886-90 by the photographer H. H. Sahakian, 384 W. Broadway, So. Boston, Mass. The boy is dressed in an elegant Little Lord Fauntleroy suit and long curled hair, although they are not done in ringlets. We are not sure about the name, but believe thtbit may be Lithuanian. The suit and hair style suggest that the boy came from an affluent family.
We notice several boys in the Bryan family. Unfortunately we do not how the boys are related. We suspect, however, that the boys are brothers. The portraits are not dates, but all look to have been taken in the 1860s ot 70s. We do not know anything about the Bryan family, except that they came from Chicago and had a great deal of money.
Younger boys tended to have solid collored suits without patterns. This CDV portrait shows the son of Abe Bryant. The studio was Gates Bros. (negative 254) in Watkins, New York. We jnow te portrait was taken during 1864-66because of the tax stamp on the back. The boys jacket and pants do not match, but they are solid colored fabric.
W.C.Bryce was a student at Britain's famed Eton school. He looks to be a new boy or at least a junior student. Heis dressed in an early 19th century naval unioform, dating from the Napoleonic War era. Apparently there was some kind of celebration at Eton on June 4 when th boys dressed up in these uniforms. I would have guessed that the portrait was taken in the 1890s, but our British contributor tells us that it was in a collection of Eton photographs taken from 1901-10.
Here see a snapshot of Tom in the family's back gardem with two westie puppies. The snap is undated, but we would guess the 1930s. Tom looks to be about 10-11 years old. It was taken during the summer. Tom wears what looks like a basic school shirt and short pants. The family name appears to be Buckle. The snap was in the family album of R.M. Buckle. Their home was the Lawns. (The British like to name their homes.) It was located in Westbourne. The father had navy connections.
This cased Daguerrotype is a portrait of a boy named William Buckmaster photographed in 1853. He looks to be about 10 years old. Williamm wears a collar buttoning militarty style jacket, almost certainly blue. This was one of the most opular jacket styles at mid-century. He has a white collar shirt abd his stock is done in a big bow, unusual at the time. An enclosed tag identifies him as William Buckmaster and 1853 is written in the case interior. The studio was that of J.W. Thompson. He is not a well know Daguerrotypist, but is known toi have been active at Broadway and other New York City addresses. You can see all the component parts.
This cabinet card portrait shows Charles Bullock. There is no indication of his age, but we would he is about 14 years old. We say this in part because children in the 19th and early-20th century looked a bit younger than modern children, in part due to diet. The portrait is not dated, but the card mount suggests the very early-1900s decade, something like 1903. The late-1890s is posible, but tge early-1900s seems more likely. Charles wears a single-breasted vested suit. Note the small, high-placed lapels. It has a cut-away jacket look and buttond at the high-set lapels. This was a popular style at theturn of the century. He has a wing collar, a rather adult style. We are not sure about the neck wear. We canot see enough of it. It is is a knee pants suit worn with black long stockings and lace-up high-top shoes. The studio was Weston in Bangor, Maine.
This cabinet card shows a boy named Howard James Burgurin. He was 5-years old. The portrait was taken in March 1895. Howard wears a large dark wide-brimmed hat and a white sailor suit with contrasting dark V-collar and cuffs. We are not sure about the color of the collar and cuffs. The dickie is done with stars. Howard had long hair, but not done in ringlets. The age of 5 years is the last year before beginning chool. Thus we still see boys wih long hair at this age. Almost always the long hair was cut before beginnning school. American boys at this time if they hd long hsir, ususlly had it dond in ringlets. His suit is done with knee pants and dark long stockings. The studio was Howard in Orlando, Florida.
While Queen Victoria and Prince Albert set the precedent for dressing English princes in sailor suits, the style did not begin to catch on with the general public. By the 1870s, however, the sailor suit had become a major style for boys. The salor style in the 1870s was being used for boys even before breaching. This is H.Douglas Burn photographed at Sandown on the Isle of Wight on July 13, 1872. He is 2 years and 7 months old. Note the hat, suit styling, and stipped socks.
Here we have a wonderful portrait of Marion Burnell in his brand new Boy Scout uniform. Note that he does not have a kerchief. It is a detaled photograph of the Scout uniform. Marion looks very proud of himself in his uniform. And we know he is 12 years old, although he will be 13 in a few days. We know this because his mom explained it to Grandmother Mills. Marion lived in Sound Bend, Washington. We know the photograph was taken in 1923 because the letter is dated. A second photograph was included in the envelope which we assume is Marion a few years earlier.
This cabinet card portrait shows 18-month Larry Butcher sitting under a tree. We are not exacttly sure what he is wearing, but it looks like it may be a dress with a ruffled collar. Mother appears to have pulled over a smock-like garment on top of his clothes. Smocks were not very common in America for boys or girls. And the whole idea of younger boys wearing skirts abd dresses was going out of style by the time this portrait was taken. It is not dated, but the cabinet mount loks like the 1900s. We see fewer boys wearing skirted garments in the late-19th century, especially after 1895. The smock had a wide collar opening with what looks like runching. The smock itself is very plain without any smocking. Ther is wrist trim matching the collar trim.
This cabinet card portrait shows Carl Butler who looks to be about 4 years old. We know nothing about the family, but he appears to be relarted to Emma Kilgire in Athena Washington. Carl's mother was Cleo Butler. Carl looks to be wearing a jacket dress done in the style of kilt suit, a popular style for boys at the time. A pin on lace collar has been added to the dress. A double row of buttons on the bodice continuues on to the unpleted skirt was anothr decorative feature of the dress. This is often seen on the kilt suit skirts. The portrait was taken August 1, 1886 just as the Fauntleroy Craze was taking off which may explain the large lace collar. Th studio was Thwaites in Portland Oregon.
Hans Buttner looks to be about 10-11 years old. That is a littlec older thanm the usual age for first communion in the Catholic Church. This has varied from country to country and over time. American children commonly do First Communion in the second grade (about age 7 years) and German children in their third year of school (about 8 years old). Maybe his parents for some reason waited several years before enrolling him in the local group of Catholic children in Ashaffenburg, Bavaria, where the picture seems to have been taken. There was no precise age for First Communion. His outfit is entirely traditional--a black suit with short trousers, white shirt and tie (or sometimes an open collar), and black long stockings. Notice the large candle which were commonly given to the communicants in Germany. The portrait is not dated, but we would guess some tome in the 1930s.
Raymond Bykes worked as a Western Union messenger. He was photographed , getting on his bike in Norfolk, Virginia. The photograph was taken by Hine in
June, 1911. Hine worked as an investigative photographer for the National Child Labor Committee (NCLC), documenting working and living conditions of children in the United States during 1908-21.
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