The HBC biography section is for people or families that have achieved some degree of notariety or fame. HBC readers in many cases have submitted family portraits. HBC has until now not added them to the biography section. We believe now that this is a mistake. Many of the HBC readers contributing family portraits can also provide details about the boy and him family. This background information help us to assess social trends and put the fashions involved in perspective. This is just why the biographical section is an important part of HBC. As a result, HBC has decided to create pages for these relatively unknown people, when some basic family data is available. Incidentally if you find a relative here, please do tell us somehing about him. Here we are listing these biographies alpahabetically to facilitate looking up individual names. The alphabdetical list is the primary data base in this section. While we have not persued geneolgical resreach on these individual, having the names and in many cases the loaction provide the potential to acquire more back ground information in the future which may provide additonal insights into the fashion and life style trends.
This studio cabinet card shows a boy named Bert La Salle in 1890. Note the stereo viewer and stero cards on the table. It is used as a prop because it was so common in Victorian parlors. The portrait was tken at the Hotchkiss Atelier in Norwich, New York. Bert wears a jacket with some Norfolk styling, note how it is worn unbuttoned except at the top. It is a knee pants suit worn with black long stockings.
The boy in this cabinet card portrait is identified on the back as Roy LaFolette. He looks to be about 5 years old. He wears what looks like a collar-buttoning jacket kilt suit. It is a checked suit. The collar buttoning jacket bmay have a bsck flap. The skirt-kilt has not kilt styling, but is pleated. He has a large pointed shite collar that has some cut-out lace work and a small bow. The portrait is undated. We might guess the 1880s, but goung bsrefoot for portaits was not common in the 80s, so it may hasve been taken in the 90s. The material seems like some kind of light weight fabric used for shirts. This suggests the summer when going barefoot was common. The studio was L.A. Phelps of Paducah Kentucky. Going barefoot wa more common in the South than the North. The dog looks like a type of Sharpei mix with a pug.
We also see the five boys of the Ladefoged family posded in a stair-step portrait. Four of the boys are done up in identical sailor suits. They were photographed in Sundsøre, Denmark. This is a town in northern Denmark on a substantial lake. We don't have a precise date for when the photograph was taken, but it was sometime in the late-1910s. The boys are barefoot, not all that uncommon during the summer in Scananavia. Only the younger boy wears shoes which was a little unusual. The boys look to be about 2-12 yars old. The younger boy wears a tunic suit with decorative detailing. His bothers wear sailor middy bloues and short pants and are all barefoot. Sailor suits seem enormrous popular in Demark at the time. All the boys have close-cropped hair. They so not seem very happy about having their picture taking. We are not sure why. Usually boys this age like having their picture taken because of all the attention.
This is a CDV photo of a 'Rudy Lagai, Esq.'. I am not sure what kind of name hat is. It is not a common one. The portrait was taken by F. Dessaur, New York City. I think it was probably taken in 1962 or 63, partly because there is no Federal Revenue stamp. It could, however, been taken fter 1866. Rudy wears a light-colored two-piece suit. The slleves of the jacket are cut full with a cuff to gather them at the wrist. It is a collar buttoning jacket. As common at the time there is a waist band covering the bottom of the jacket ad top of the pants which are done as kee pnts. Rudi also wears white stockings.
Here we see a Montreal boy with stuffed dog. On the back of the portrait is written "Paul Laiselle 4 ver 5 ans". This tells us that Paul was almost 5 years old. He was photogaphed by H.E. Archambautt at "2204 Rue Notre-Dame Pres de la rue de la Montagne Montreal" I believe the hair stle would be called a choupette, but it is a little different than others I have seen. The portrait is undated, but was probably taken in the 1880s. We would guess the early 1980s. He wears a knee pants suit. The jacket looks to be a cut-away style, although this one does not open up like many we have seen. He also has a rounded lace collar with a modest bow.
This angelic-looking little boy is Charles E. Lamson. He was born November 20, 1899 in Minnesota. He looks to be about 3-4 years old in his portrait. Which means that the portrait was taken about 1903. We are not sure what kind of portrait it is. It does not look like a cabonent card. The long established cabinet card portrait were changing at the turn-of-the 20th century. I guess the age at age 4 years. Charles wears an elaborate Litlle Lord Fauntleroy blouse with cut-out lace. There is matching wrist cuffs. He does not have a floppy bow which were common, but optional. Along with his Fauntleroy blouse he has shoulder-lenhth ringlet curls. His curls are done with a center part and no front bangs.
This is a studio portrait of a Dutch boy named Jongetje Lanen. We know nothing about Jongetje and his family, but the suit suggests tgo us a conservative famnily living in comfortable circumstances. The portrait was taken in 1970. He was 9 years old. He is wearing a classic single breasted navy blue short pants suit. A navy blue suit was a standard in America at this time, grey was more popular in England. We are less so how common it was in the Netherlands. The lapels werequite small as was popular in the 1960s. He also wears a white shirt and bow tie (which looks to us is pre-tied). We can't see his socks, but I would guess that they are white or dark blue knee socks. We see sjort pants suits and knee socks quite a bit in Europe , although they were becoming less common by the 1970s. The pose is a little stilted.
This studio portait shows a little girl and her big brother. They are Julia and William Lankford. The portrait is undated. It is a cabinent card, a 4 x 5 3/4 inch photo on a 6 x 8 inch mount. The style of the mount suggests it was taken after the turn-of-the 20th century, probably the 1900s. Julia wears a standard white summer dress and hairbow. William hair is very carefully combed. He is dressed rather plainly. His shirt has a small rounded collar which he wears with knee pants. He is barefoot for the portrait. The portrait was taken by the Eutsler Brothers studio in Danville, Virginia.
This CDV portrait shows Edward Larrer in a suit with a very long jacket. We suspect it ws Edwrd's first adult-styled suit. Edward looks about 13 years old. Note his rounded straw hat. I don't think that this was an adult style. There is a pencil notation indicating the portrait was taken in August 1861. The portrait was taken by J. Huggins, Norwich, United Kingdom.
This early cased Ambrotype portrait shows Joseph B. and Stephen A. Lathrop in matching military-style collar buttoning jackets. The jackets have fewer buttons than we have seen on many of these jackets. We are not sure about the color, but probably were blue. The jackets have side slit pockets. The jackets are cut short and worn with darker-colored pants. Both boys have medium white collars and bows. The boys sport over the ears hair. We note a little about the boys because of a note in the case, although we do not know where the portrait was taken. Joseph was 11 years old and Stephen was 7 years old. The portait was taken December 1855. It is not posed as stiffly as is commonly the case with early formats like Dags and Ambros. Notice how Stphen is comforting his little brother who seems uneasy with the photographer.
This early CDV portrait shows two boys in Civil War-style military uniforms. One boy is posed with a rifle fitted with bayonet and the other with a sword. There is a bugle on his kepi. The uniforms have a star on the chest. The boys are Fred Latimer and Colby Jeffrey. The boys attended the Hill Stree School in New London, Connecticut. It appers to be a privte school. Given this fact and the elaborate uniforms, we assume the boys came from a prominant family. The CDV was found in a collecion of Newcomb family matrial. Apparently the boys exchnged photographs. The uniforms suggest it was a military school, but they appear to be more of a patriotic flourish. The boys probably wore them for drill. These boys were assigned to Star Company. The photogrpher was Morgan & Bolles, New London.
Jarvis Andrew Lattin was born on May 29, 1853 in Farmingdale, Queens County, Long Island, New York. He married Mary Jane Puckett on October 15, 1874. They had 13 children. In early 1880 they moved to Nebraska, but they returned to Farmingdale in 1888 and Jarvis started a pickle and sauerkraut factory. Jarvis in 1909 moved his family near Santa Barbara on the Isle of Pines in Cuba. After Cuban independence, the status of the Isle of Pines (Isla de Pinos) was unsettled. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Cuba did not belong to the United States. This did not answer the question of whi it did belong to. The United States formally ceded jurisdiuction to Cuba. President Castro wouls lster change the name to the Isla de la Juventud. Jarvis returned his family to the Umited States and lived in Florida. Jarvis died in Lake Helen, Florida in 1941.
This postcard back snapshot was a cyanotype ofn Amrican boy, Ned Laufer. Ned looks to be about 5-years old. It was probably made about 1905-1910, in part because of the bow. Ned is wearing a classiic white tunic suit with bloomer knickers. The outfit is completed with a black belt. We can't tell of it is a sailor suit or a Russian blouse tunic suit. He wears it with a floppy bow and black long stockings.
his English CDV shows Frank Laurence in what looks like a brand new sailor suit. He looks to be about 4 years old. This was probably his first suit after being breeched. We would guess the portrait was taken in the late-1860s, but the early-70s is certainly possible. Frank looks to have long hair at the back. As was common before the 1880s, there were stripes everywhere, including the pants. Notice that there are only two stripes on the V-collar rather than the three stripes which became standard. The collar stripes fall like ribbons to the waist belt which has stripe-like detailing. Somdthing we have not seen before. He is holding a boater-type hat with trailing dtreamers. That was common at the time before wide-brimmed sailor hats became fashionble. These hats were worn for a time by Royal Navy ratings. His knee pants are both voluminous and long, reaching almost to the ankles. He wears white stockings with high-top shoes. English footwear was more varied than in America, but here he wears the high-top shoes thst were almost universal in America. The sdtudio was J. Perriman in Camden Town, London. Perriman appears to have operated the Camden Town School of Photography.
Here is a cabinent card portrait of a boy identified as Phil Laurece. Presumably his proper name was Philip. Lawrence is probably a more common selling, but the card is clearly spelled Laurence. The cabinent card portrait was taken by Humphrey & Abbey in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Laurence looks about 11-12 years old and wears a collar-buttoning suit with a large plaid floppy bow. The image is not dated, but it looks like a large bow knot and this suggests the 1880s. Small collars wertr no commn in the 90s. The card had an unusual purple mount, I think with a belveled gild edge.
Georg Lauritzen was a particularly good student at the Morsum Village school school. We see many interesting photos. We see Georg as a little boy and as an older boy with his friends. He is one of the boys in the 1936 school portrait. One picture shows him in a suit with a Hitler Youth pin. There is no picture of him in his HJ uniform. We see his "Entlassungs-Zeugnis". This allowed him to go on to change to a secondary school in nearby Niebüll--a "Aufbauschule" for good pupils coming from rural village. Most of the children at the Morsum school did not go beyond the village primary school. Notice the entry, 'Gehört dem Deutschen Jungvolk an", i.e. (member of the German Jungvolk). This was followed by 'guter Kamerad' which I thinks means a 'good comrade'. This was the juvenile or Cub division of the Hitler Youth. In NAZI Germany, membership in the HJ was important in obtaining a place in secondary schools and later university. There are more details in his site. He transferred to a Gymnasium--a further indication that he was academically bright. He finish school with the 'Mittlere Reife'. We see him in his Luftwaffe uniform after the beginning of World War II. He survived the War and surrendered to the British rather than the Soviets which probably saved his life.
For whatever reason the French photographic record is not as large as that of many other major countries. Our French archive is much smaller than we would like. We se more Frenhch commercial postcards that studio portraits and snapshots. And this desite the fact that photograohy was born in France with the Daguerreotype (1839). We have, however found some examples. One is an unuidentified photograph seen here (figure 1). It is clerarly a groupm od French schoolm boys and taken at their school. It is dated dated 1933. It shows nine French school friends. We are not sure just what the group involves, but they clearly went to the same school. They all wear smocks, but different designs. There is some text on the back, but we are unsure about the meaning. The boys are named, but the writing is difficult to decipher. We need more examples to understand how common school smocks were and to what extent they were actually required by the schools.
We found a press photo of Paul with his mother, Mrs. George Lawson. The only attached information is that Paul's mother was attending a conference in June 1922 and had brought Paul along. There is no indication as to what kind of conference this was, only that Paul was the only child. Paul wears a short smock, which was not common. With his smock he wore what look like baggy knee pants and light-colored three quarer socks. Colored bands were common. He also has ankle strap shoes. He looks to be about 5 yeara old We do not know who his father was. We have no informatiin about Paul's adult life. We note a Democratic politican named Paul Lawson, but he was born in 1914.
Clifford and Clarence Le Master lived in Chicago. We wee them here on a sidewalk. Unfortunately we know nothing more about the boys. The boys are wearing identical clothing, bow ties, long-sleeved shirts, and knee pants. We think going barefoot was more common in rural areas, but city boys also went barefoot. We also know nothing about their family situation.
Dick Leche was the son of Louisiana governor Richard W/ Leche. A photograph shoes him at a party for the new pages for the legislature. Theyt were teenagers and you can see some of them in background of as photograph take at the part. Dick was made the official hist because the oages were teenagers. The presscaption read, "Betty Jane Stutmann, entetainer at the stag oarty yoing Dicj KLechem, son of Governor Ruchrd W. Leche of Louisiana, gave at the executive mnsionin honor of the pages of the legistasture, is an interested listener to the conversatiion betwee Dick and Charles Font, peanut vendors in the capital, who were honored guests. Left to right, -- Charlie, Dick, and Betty." American boys in the 1930s wore short pants, knickers, and long pants. It was the younger boys that mosty wore short pants, but there were also social class conventions, boys from well-to-do and socially prominent families like the governor's son here were also more likeky to wear short pants. Also notice Dick's sport shirt, fashionable but made to be worn without a tie, butb motherv had insusted on one. Knickers in 1938 were going out of style, but were still worn to some extent in the 1940s, especially the early-40s. Long pants were becoming more common, even for younger boys. Overalls were still common in the 30s, but mostly worn by boys in rural areas. especiallyb amongb low-income families. Notice the two boys boys here wearing obib-front overalls are working-class boys who sold peanuts. Overalls rapidly went out of style after America entered World War II (1941). People in rural areas began moving into the cities where well-paying jobs in the war industries were available. In addition, small rural schools were being closed and the children bussed to town schools. As a result, the rural kids didn't want to look like 'hicks' and begn began dressing like city kids. Very quickly the clothing difference between town and ciuntry duisappeared. Notice that while the two peanut boys do not looked like they dressed up, they are wearing their best pair of overalls that look brand new. .
This family snapshot shows Peter Lederer at about age 8-9 years of age. It was taken in Prague about 1938-39. This of course was not a very happy time for Czecholovakia. In fact the country was dismembered by the NAZIs. Peter's name, however, suggest he was German. Perhaps he was part of the country's German minority. Or perhaps his family came to Prague as part of the NAZI occupation. (The NAZIs occupied Prague during March 1939.) Peter is wearing a so-called Loden cloth jacket or overcoat for cold weather also popular in places like Bavaria. It is Peter's footwear that draws our attention. He also wears brown long stockings and somewhat unusual looking shoes with white tops--or are these really spats? He seems also to be wearing white short socks or anklets for keeping his feet warm. Interestingly, no hat unless he holds it behind his back (which is possible). It is probably chilly, but there is no snow on the ground.
Gilbert Brooks Lee had his his photograph taken when he was 5 year-old in 1918. He has a huge straw hat and is holding bowl of quince. We think he was from Portland, Oregon. There is a charming message on the back, "Its a wonderful likeness. He picked quinces so here they are. As he looks- he hits the nail on the head every time and drives my brin to madness with precocious questions..." Gilbert seems to be waring some kind of coveralls.
A cabinet portait of Howard Lee shows him wearing kind of French royal costume. It was a party costume for fancy dress affairs. I'm not sure Howard was too impressed with his costume. He has a disgusted look on him. Our guess is that mother selected the costume. We know that he was 6 years old. There is writing on the bsack of the crd, but some words are difficult to make out. He was from St. Louis. This would have been an expensive costume, so we know Howard came from an affluent family. The portrait is undated, but we would guess was taken in the 1890s when fancy dressed costumes were more commonm, in part becuse of the growing fortunes being accumulated in growing industrial America.
Frans Leferink was a 16-year old Dutch boy. We see him in 1927 wearing a double-breasted knee pants or short pants suit. As we don't see the buttons at the knee hem, it would probably be best described as a short pants suit. We still see boys wearing formal knee pants suits in both Belgium and the Netherlasnds during the 1920s. And the short pants boys wore were often qy\uite long at the time. Frans also wears a natty stripped tie and botinaire. Note the formal black long stockings. Frans is rather elegantly dressed. We suspect he came from a well-to-do conservative family.
This is a portrait of Johan Philip van Leen (1905-1960). He was born in Amsterdam, Netherlands, which is probably where the photo was taken. Since the boy looks to be about eight, this would date the photo about 1913-14. He wears the traditional sailor suit with white middy blouse and dark knee pants and black long stockings. Notice also the sailor cap with its ribbon. He wears a scarf, probably red or blue, and a white dickie. Notice also the button over-the-ankle shoes. Johan died in 1960 in Sydney, Australia.
This CDV portrait shows the Lembecke brothers all dressed up in their suits in 1871. The boys wear lapelk suits, except for the younger boy who has a collar buttoning jacket. Two bows wear what look like small bows. All the boys seem to be wearing long pants. They were still quite common ecen for younger boys. The older boy in the chair is John Lembecke. The other brothers were Fred, Albert, and Bill. Someone thought it might be Henry rather than Fred. Another thinks Henry was too young to be in a 1871 portrait. The boys look to be about 8-16 years old. The portrait was taken by the A Scidmore stufio in Appleton. We are not sure about the state.
This is a wonderful image from the past. It was taken in Scotland at C. Mitchell photographic studio in Glasgow. The two boys are both dressed in Highland kilt outfits. They have Glengary caps with eagle feathers, ather smnall Eton collars, bow ties, cut-away jackets, Kilts, sporrans, knee socks (I think Argyles), and sandals with mock buckles. This is ine of numerous images showing that boys in well-to-to families dressed up in kilts for formal occassions such as a portrait. What we are less sure about is how these boys dressed for more cassual activities, such as play, casual outings, family dinner, and school. Unfortunately we do not know their first names. As can be seen, the original board was trimmed at one point, probably it was in a frame at one time. We do know that they were 9 and 12 years old. On the back, the first names in the trimming process were pretty well trimmed away, but the family last name looks like "Lennox" to me written in old script and that would make sense as Lennox is a Scottish name. The portrait is not dated, but the style of the photo mount and Mum in her fashionable large hat and ankle-covering skirt suggests the 1910s to us. Note father's bowler hat and gloves. The mount measures 8"x 7", with the actual photo image measuring approx. 6"x 4.25".
The boy in this postcard back postcard is identified as Alfred Buchanan Lent. The writing is not real clear, but this seems to be the name. Perhaps readers will be able to dechipher the writing better. Alfred was 4 years old and the portrait ws taken for New Year. It is not datedm but looks to us like the early-1910s. The dealer thought it was around 1912, but there is not way to be that specific. It could be a few years earlier. It is a AZO four triangle up stamp box which date it any time during 1904-18. We would guess that the earlier period in that time frame was the most likely. Alfred wears what looks like a tunic suit with a fancy large collar. His outfit is completed with ythree-quarter white socks and ankle strap shoes. The postcard was addrssed to a North Carolina address so they may live there.
This cabinet card shows a 6-year old boy named Dudley Lewis which we know because of an inscription on the back. We might have guessed a year or two older, but '6 years' is seitten on the back of the card. Dudley according to the dealer was apparently born in 1904 which would mean that the portrait was taken in 1910. He died in 1983. Dudley has a center hair part and wears a light-colored sailor suit. We are not sure abour the actual color, perhaps grey. He has a sailor blouse and knicker pants worn with black long-stockings. We might have guess that the portrait was taken a few years earlier because if the style of the mount. But 1910 seems plausible for the knickers. which appeared about that time. This cabinet card measures 5.5 inches wide by 11 inches tall. About the turn-of-the 20th century we begin to see new styles of cabinet cards like this. A card 11 inches high was, however, unusually high. The studio was Vast or Vash Studio in Denver Colorado.
Here is a CDV portrait of Erich Lille. CDVs were still a popular photographic portrait format in Germany even into the early 1900s. This portrait is undated, but was probably taken about 1900. The photographer was E. Scheithauer from Zwickau, Wilkau. This is a village in southern Saxony near the Czech border. At the time the portrait was taken it was the Austro-Hungarian border. We know Erich is 6-years old because thos is a first day of school portrait. He is wearing a sailor suit with bloomer knickers. It is a very plain sailor suit with an embridered dickey. He hs a matching sailor cap. He is already for school with his backpack and his large school cone.
We note a CDV portrait of a little boy with greased out hair that stands up in the middle, peaking at the crown. His hair, however, is short at the sides. Our approach is to just desribe the style until we can find an actual name. He is wearing a cut-away jacket and small white bow. The word Lincoln is written right below his photo on the front side. We assume that is his last name. He looks to be about 8-years old. The photographic studio was Vaughan Photo at 18 Third Street, Chico, California. We would guess that the portrait was taken in the late-1860s, although the early-70s is possibly. This is confirmed by the fact that Vaugh opened his studio in 1868.
Here we have portrait of the two Lindsley children sent as a Christmas card. On the back it reads "Merry Xmas Dec 25, 1910, Nettie Estella Lindsley 19 yrs, Hewitt Gerald Lindsley 5 yrs". We at first thought this was Hewitt and his mother, but apparently he was photographed with his older sister. It was a studio cabinet card portrait, but in the early 20th century style which often did not name the studio. Nettie has an elaborate bee-hive type hairdo and wears a long, heavily embroidered dress. Hewwitt who is 5 years old wears a Russian blouse tunic suit. Unfortunately we do not know the color. It was a light color, perhaps a light blue or a yellow. Tunic suits were very popular garments for younger boys. Both pre-school boys like Hewitt as well as younger primary school boys wore them.
This studio portrait shows a Yugoslav boy in a traditional white short pants sailor suit with blue collar and cuff trim. He also has white high-top shoes. In this case we know his name which is written on the back. It is hard to make out the writing, but as best we can make out is Riorgorška Llatina. While we have trouble reading the boy's name, we note the photograph was taken in August 1926. The boy looks to be about 5 years old and sits in a perfectly scaled-down chair that the sudio had. We do not know where in Yugoslavia h lived, but mamy of the photographs we have found come from Serbia.
This early CDV portarit is of Herbert Newton Lockwood. He look to be about 5 years old. The back of the card indicated that Herbert was born December 10, 1863. That would mean that the CDV was taken about 1868. Herbert wears a cut-away jacket suit with a vest. The pants are cut shot, but are hardly knee pants. They do show the trend of shorter-cut pants for younger noys. The pants leg hem is kust above the ankles. Herbert has white stockings as were common in the 1860s. He also has a small white collar and ribbon bow. We are not sure precisely how to describe his hair. The hair is draw back in front to create a larg roll curl at the crown along with ringlet curls at the side and back. The studio was Chas (Charls) Tomlinson in New Britain, Connecticut.
We note a portrait of Harry and Maude Lodge. All we note about the children is their names. There is no indication of where the portrait was taken or when. The style of the mount, clothing, and hair styles suggest to us that it was taken about 1905-10. We would gues that the children are about 6-10 yeas of age. Maude wear a white dress with leavily balooned sleeves, white long stockings, and white shoes with bows. Shoes with bows werea popular fashion at the time. Her hair bow was either white or a very light pastel. Her older brother, Harry, wears a double-breasted knee pants suit with black long stockings and high-top shoes. The portrait sems to commeorate some special occassion as both children have corsages.
Richard Loeb is an infanous name in American popular culture. Here we see Richard as an angelic-looking boys wearing a velvet suit with knickers pahts and white long stockings. He looks to be about 10-years old. Even before this portrait wastaken, Dickie has show and even random killing. He met Nathan Leopold 5 years later (1920). They had a stormy relationship. Both were from wealthy families and had pampered childhoods. Tgey were by all accounts exceptional studebts. Four years later the two as University of Chicago students set out to carry out the perfect crime. They rented a car and kidnapped 14-year old Bobby Franks just before he got home for dinner. Bobby was chosen at random. They killed him with a chisel blow to his head. He was found stuffed in a culvert. Acid had been poured over his body. Only 4 days latter the Chicago police unraveled the case and Lopold and Loeb became two of the most infamous murderers in American crime history. They were not serial killers, they only killed Bobby, but the calouness and sencelessness as well as the fact that they came from such prominant families shocked Americans. Their wealthy parents hired legendary defense attorney Clarence Darrow. Both young men he pleaded guilty. Darrow managed to persuade the judge to spare their lives.
Gay Loinberger was the second son of Lelia Lionberger. She had seen a picture of Little Lord Fauntleroy, perhaps in a 1894 Munseys Magazine. She decided to do Gay's hair in ringlets and have his portrait taken. Gay also wore dresses, at least through age 6. I'm not positive precisely when he ws breached. He had an older brother, Fay, and a younger brother, John. A baby died. A daughter lived in in New York.
Walter Scott Lloyed had his portraitvtaken In January 1903. He looks to be about 5 years old. We are not sure where the portrait was taken, but it could be Texas as the portrait was found there. Walter clearly came from an affluent family, perhaps with literary pretentions given his name. The portarit is of interest because he wears one of the largest LittLe Lord Fauntleroy collars we have even seen.
Here we see the sons of Clarence Long, a reforming newspaper editor in Oklahoma. The boys are from left to right, Bill (about 5 years), John (about 2-3 years), and Val (about 8 years). They all seem to be wearing white long stockings. The portrait is dated 1923. Notice Bill's button-on sailor suit, John's button-on velvet pants, and Val's slightly more grown-up sweater and shorts.
This is a portrait of Grant Longcoy and Frances Wells Quintin. It is a large 16" by 20" portrait, not the usual cabinet card of the time. The portrait became available in a local estate sale, so the location is known--Portage, Ohio. The back has a written inscription, "Grant Longcoy & Frances Wells Quintin (who lived at Longcoy home a good number of years) She does not want this picture." The dealer spoke to the family and from information gleaned from them we believe the boy to be Grant B. Longcoy, born 1885 in Portage, Ohio. Nothing was known of Ms. Quintin as she was not a family member. We do not know why she was staying with the Longcoy family. Grant is wearing a Civil War era kepi with crossed rifles insignia. He has a double-breasted knee pants suit with long stockings. Frances wears a sailor-styled blouse, but without the striped detailing, and skirt, also with long stockings. As Grant looks to be about 5-6 years old, the portrait woukld have been taken about 1890.
Here we have cabinet card portrait of Pittsburg boy Charles Lomgmore. He has carefully printed out his name and address on the backof the card. We do not know how old he is, but would guess about about 7-years old. We do know that the portarit was taken June 13, 1909. he date is very useful. Americn boys had been wearing knee pants for about 5 decdes. By the 1890s, knee pants had becone standard. The 1900s decade, however, was the last decade that they were common. There were major changes (1908-09). We see flap caps repacing peaked acps and oher headwear and knickers replacing knee pants. And in rural ares, overalls become standard. We do no know why these major changes occurred at his time. Charles at the end of the school year is still wearing the old styles, a peaked cap (which you can barely see) and knee pants. New styls were moe likely to be inroduced at the beginning of a school year. What did not change was the still prevalent long stockings, still worn despte the spring/summer weather.
This cabinent card portrait shows a little boy about 4-years old. Hus name was we belive K.D. Loore, but the "r" is a little indestinct. HK.D. wears a kilt suit with an Eton collar and small floppy bow. The collar-buttoning jacket has aelf-belt, a hint of Norfolk styling. This is not something we see in a lot of kilt suit jackets. The photographer was J.E. Beebe in Denver, Colorado. The portrait is undated, but we believe may have been taken in the early 1880s, in part because of the small floppy bow.
This portrait is of Lloyd P. Lott. He was age 6 years 2 months. The photo was taken in October 1889. We believe that he was from San Diego California. He wears what looks like a collar buttoning jacket, but it may be a jacket that did not button worn with a vest. It is difficult to tell. It is decorated with heavy embroidery. He has a pin-on lace collar and checkered floppy bow. Both the bow and collar are large, but not enormous. Plain cuffs are visible at the waist. The suit is made with knee pants. And Lloyd wears long stockings and high-top shoes.
This boy is 5-year old Carl Lovett. The oportrait was taken Octover 18, 1893. Carl wears a Fauntleroy kilt suit with a Fauntleroy blouse and huge white flopph bow. The blouse has a huge white collar and matching wrist cuff trim. It was a dark-colored suit, but does not look like velvet. Carl wears black long stockings with the outfit. Mot American boys boys wore long stockings with these kilt suits. They were not always black, but long stockings were almost always worn. Carl has not yet been breached, but he has short hair done in bangs. The studio was Thhiel in Duluth, Minnesota.
We have some interesting photographs of the Lowe brothers, Howard and William. We don't know anything about them except that they lived in Paterson, New Jersey. William was born January 15, 1884. He had a younger brother named Howard. I have not been able to identify the boys' parents. A portrait taken about 1901 shows the boys in identical sailor suits with dickeys, sailor caps, long black stockings, and hightop shoes. Other portraits show the boys as teen agers wearing suits.
We see Sidney Lowell about 1905. The portrait is not dated, but can be estimated fairly accrately froim the mount.All we know about him is that he was a chorister. Unfortunately wedo not know what choir in which he sang. It was clearly a church choir. almost all choirs at the time would have been church choirs.
This cabinet card portrait shows twins Claude and Clyde Luce. They look to be anout 3 years old. The boys are dressed in identical skirt suits which were probanly valled like suits at the time. Notice mother has chosem plaid material for the vest and skirt. Other thn the plaid material, the boys' skirts have no kilt features. The mother almost certainly would have described the outfits as kilt suits. The card does not indicate the studio. We have, however, a CDV baby portrait of the boys. Click on the image to see the baby portrait. And it was taken at the A. Barnes Studio in Hillsdale, Michigan. The CDV/cabinet card mix helps fate the image. This and aspects of the outfit help date it. We would guess that it was taken in th late-1860s or early-70s. This was just the time fram tht kilt suits were becoming popular.
Joey Luft was Judy Garland's only son. Sidney Luft was Judy's third husband and managed to reserect her career. They had two children. Joey also has a big sister, Lorna. She recall, “We were a bit like gypsies. We lived in London, Paris, New York. We lived wherever she was making a film. Our favorite thing to do was to get on an airplane. It always became a game and an adventure.” Judy and her kids lived such a glamorous life that they quickly became used to everything showbiz had to offer.” Joey recalls, “I walked into her dressing room and saw a room full of roses and telegrams, wall to wall. We'd go out to dinner and there would be all these stars- — I wondered what they were doing there. They were friends with my mom! The energy she generated was amazing.” Joey especilaly recalls the btime they had together when thry were traveling. “I remember having a lot of fun with her when were alone,” he said. “She had a great sense of humor.” Tragically they could not avoid noticing the pills. [Jeffrey] Judy involved the children in her television show--'The Judy Garland Show'. The children including Joey sang during her 1963 Christmas show. Joey even had a solo (figure 2). He did not have the gift of song that Judy and the girls were blessed with. We also note a photograph of Judy and the children at a 1961 Carnegie Hall performance. We are not sure if the children had a role in the performance, but they are pictured on stage with Judy. Joey who would have been 6 years old at the time of the Carnegie Hall perfornance. He wears a blouse, suspender shorts, and white knee socks. They may have been the pants to a suit. Joey was the baby brother. Photographs show a boy who could not look more Italiann. Unlike his sisters, Lorna and Liza Minnell, Joey did not have a show business career.
Jeffrey, Joyann. "Judy Garland’s kids share memories of growing up with their famous mama: ‘We were a bit like Gypsies," Closer Weekly (October 23, 2019).
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